Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: schtir on April 15, 2009, 09:44:31 am

Title: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: schtir on April 15, 2009, 09:44:31 am
I wrote web-page for usage as a filebrowser in theatre view. It is convenient for browse files in removable media or network shares without import to database.
Requirements: Internet explorer 8.
Tested on Windows XP x86, Windows 7 x86.
Before use change two registry values (or use .reg file in JSFileBrowser.rar):
Code: [Select]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\0]
"1201"=dword:00000000 ; - disable activex alert for zone "My computer"
"Media Center 13.exe"=dword:00001f40 ; - enable IE8 functionality for MC13
"Media Center 14.exe"=dword:00001f40 ; - enable IE8 functionality for MC14
"Media Center 15.exe"=dword:00001f40 ; - enable IE8 functionality for MC15

version 24/04/2011 (

For use: Extract archive in some folder.
In Tools->Options->Theater View Add new webpage. Url must be a folder where you extract + DriveListMC13.htm. For example C:\JSFileBrowser\DriveListMC13.htm (for MC14 C:\JSFileBrowser\DriveListMC14.htm, for MC15 C:\JSFileBrowser\DriveListMC15.htm)

Navigation by left, right, up, down, home, end, page up, page down, enter (browse folder/play file), backspace (back to main menu), esc (to standard view). Also it is possible to use the mouse. The context menu is called by pressing the button "Application key" or right-click. Context menu commands:
play - play file/folder,
play all - play all files in current folder,
add to end - add file/folder to end of "Playing Now",
import - import file/folder in MC database,
home - go to MC Theater View home,
computer - go to root of "My computer",
up - go to parent folder.

This webpage also can be used outside MC.
Title: Re: Jscript File Browser from Theater View
Post by: on April 15, 2009, 02:02:41 pm
Thanks! 8)
Title: Re: Jscript File Browser from Theater View
Post by: )p( on April 15, 2009, 03:35:19 pm
Thanks +1

I tried a few files and it seems to work 100% :)

I often queue a playlist from the contents of a folder with .jpg and .mov items. Would be great if we could have an option to queue a folder instead of only individual files.

Title: Re: Jscript File Browser from Theater View
Post by: schtir on April 16, 2009, 01:37:28 am
Thanks +1

I tried a few files and it seems to work 100% :)

I often queue a playlist from the contents of a folder with .jpg and .mov items. Would be great if we could have an option to queue a folder instead of only individual files.


In the current version by pressing a file with "mov" extension and some other will occur nothing. For addition of support of these files it is necessary to add one string like
Code: [Select]
case 'mov': in function ExecFile. The list of currently supported extensions of files can be looked in the same function.
For addition of several files or the whole folder in "playing now" I think to make the special menu. But meanwhile has not thought up, as though it was most convenient.
I apologise, if has written not clearly.
Title: Re: Jscript File Browser from Theater View
Post by: skeeterfood on April 17, 2009, 12:26:10 am
Very nice.


Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: schtir on May 04, 2009, 06:53:48 am
New version with some changes. Link in first post
Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: ThoBar on May 05, 2009, 05:30:10 am
Thanks for this... it really fills a gap!

Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: )p( on May 05, 2009, 05:31:29 am
Thanks for this... it really fills a gap!


Indeed, I use it a lot!


Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: Osho on November 19, 2009, 06:15:13 pm
Can't find the Jscript file browser at the location specified in the top post. Any idea where can I find it?

Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: schtir on November 20, 2009, 03:22:41 am
Can't find the Jscript file browser at the location specified in the top post. Any idea where can I find it?

I have problem with my hosting. I can send file by email.
Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: Osho on November 22, 2009, 11:37:19 am
I have problem with my hosting. I can send file by email.

I have just send you a personal message with my email address. Thanks!

Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: Osho on June 01, 2010, 10:38:37 pm
I moved to MC15 and added a menu in Theater View to browse files using FileBrowser plugin. It works as well in MC14 except for one issue. When I press Backspace, I used to go one level up in the Theater-view menu. Now, this doesn't work. So, no key works for getting out of the FileBrowser. I have to quit MC15 and restart it to be able to get anywhere in the Theaterview. I use Theaterview only on my HTPC where I need the functionality of this plugin. So, any insights on fixing this problem will be greatly improved.

Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: JimH on June 02, 2010, 06:40:21 am
Try left arrow instead of backspace.

Theater View has an alternate navigation setting.
Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: Osho on June 02, 2010, 01:25:58 pm
Try left arrow instead of backspace.

Theater View has an alternate navigation setting.

Left arrow is used by the plugin itself to move between files in a folder. I will try out the alternate navigation setting tonight.

Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: schtir on June 28, 2010, 09:29:09 am
So, any insights on fixing this problem will be greatly improved.

I have added support for MC15. All features must work. Download it in first post.
Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: Osho on June 28, 2010, 10:52:32 am
I have added support for MC15. All features must work. Download it in first post.

Thanks I appreciate you continue to work on this plugin.

Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: sunfire7 on June 28, 2010, 06:57:45 pm
Very nice man! thank you!
Title: Re: Jscript File Browser for Theater View
Post by: Osho on February 22, 2011, 02:15:04 pm
Could you please upgrade this for MC16 beta? I made some modifications to do this and it kinda works but not necessarily as well as you could make it work.
