Devices => Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay => Topic started by: datdude on May 22, 2009, 02:29:54 pm

Title: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: datdude on May 22, 2009, 02:29:54 pm
Remember that device convergence is snowballing and it won't be long till the ultimate music/video/camera/phone/pda device is here (2 or 3 years).

Title: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: JimH on May 22, 2009, 02:55:48 pm
Tell Apple.
Title: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: RhinoBanga on May 22, 2009, 02:57:19 pm

There are so many things wrong with it I don't know where to begin.
Title: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: datdude on May 23, 2009, 04:56:33 pm
What's wrong with it? Haven't used it myself but everyone I have talked to loves it.
Title: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: JimH on May 23, 2009, 06:04:10 pm
The keyboard is missing.

The configuration for wireless was a PITA when we bought the first version.  Maybe it's better now.

It's locked down so developers like JRiver have to reverse engineer, and then hope they don't change it again.

It's locked to AT&T.

It's fragile.  My daughter is on her 3rd.

It isn't a phone.  It's a computer.

It's pretty.

Title: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: RhinoBanga on May 24, 2009, 03:21:44 am
And some more off the top of my head ...

Can't use it as a modem on your computer.

Only until recently did it even have cut/copy/paste.

Camera is atrocious.

Can't replace the battery yourself.

No sat nav, again because apple doesn't allow it.

Title: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: raym on May 24, 2009, 06:40:07 am
The iPhone is a stroke of genius. The only problem with it is iTunes  :P
Title: Re: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: JimH on May 24, 2009, 07:48:29 am
I moved you post to the portable device board.  It's of general interest.
Title: Re: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: ThoBar on May 24, 2009, 10:23:42 am
I had an iPhone, I gave it back. I traded it back for a HTC Touch Pro. Would most users? NO.

As much as *I* didnt like the iPhone, I can see why it is so popular. The basic device, and its responsiveness etc is actually very good (as with most Apple products tbh)

The reasons I didnt like it; lack of real multitasking, copy/paste, lack of bluetooth modem ability and not many apps that were truly useful for me, that I didnt have to pay for or were of real value when I did.

The other reason was I always felt like I had someone looking over my shoulder telling me how i should be using my device, a feeling I get whenever I use an Apple product (personal thing, dont hate me for it :))

BUT, this isnt meant to be an iPhone bashing thread (I think)...

I really think that MC's lack of iPhone support could be hurting a potential user base. Having said that... iPhone/ Zune lockouts are just silly. They've already sold the bloody device, who cares how you put your music on it... oh wait, they want you to use their store... money grubbing so and so's ....
Title: Re: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: prod on May 25, 2009, 07:26:22 am
It's an excellent device with several shortcomings and it basically sells itself. It's also likely that Apple will continue to improve it leaving other companies with a massive hill to climb in order to match its mainstream popularity and exposure. If JRiver could somehow tap into this mainstream interest it'd be great for both us and them, but unfortunately their aggressive messages towards installing iTunes (which is a must-do for iPhone/iTouch owners) and their equally indifferent messages to those of us who want MC to support the iPhone/iTouch must put many people off who visit the site. C'est la vie, though I'm glad I've got round the issue somewhat myself.
Title: Re: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: glynor on May 26, 2009, 09:55:47 pm
It's an excellent device with several shortcomings and it basically sells itself. It's also likely that Apple will continue to improve it leaving other companies with a massive hill to climb in order to match its mainstream popularity and exposure. If JRiver could somehow tap into this mainstream interest it'd be great for both us and them, but unfortunately their aggressive messages towards installing iTunes (which is a must-do for iPhone/iTouch owners) and their equally indifferent messages to those of us who want MC to support the iPhone/iTouch must put many people off who visit the site. C'est la vie, though I'm glad I've got round the issue somewhat myself.

What he said.
Title: Re: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: Magicland on May 27, 2009, 06:53:29 am
Now if only the Zune HD had a decent (or any) camera...
Title: Re: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: glynor on May 27, 2009, 03:56:39 pm
Now if only the Zune HD had a decent (or any) camera...

Talk about locked down...  ::)

While iTunes blows terrible chunks, it is nothing compared to how utterly craptastic the Zune software is...
Title: Re: iPhone [split from Contacts thread]
Post by: prod on May 28, 2009, 09:22:55 am
Now if only the Zune HD had a decent (or any) camera...

One allegedly impossible task at a time, please.