More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: MrC on June 15, 2009, 05:12:58 pm
In another thread, a dialog between Matt and me was something like:
MrC: Sort order on columns. The current UI seems not to allow discovery of the sort key of columns that are not in a view scheme. See image. How would one determine which fields are being used for sort key #1 and #3 ?
Matt: Customize View... shows the sorting and allows it to be edited.
MrC: Really! I must be missing something very obvious, as I'm not seeing it. Where in the lil' picture is it?
Matt: "Sort Inside Groups By". It's in bold, at the left of the dialog.
MrC: Sorry, only the word "Default" is shown. It doesn't seem clear where to find this Default. See image.
Matt: "(Default)" isn't listed out because it automatically adjusts based on the media types (and possibly other parameters) of the files in the list.
For audio, it will use:
Album Artist (auto)
Disc #
Track #
So, back to my original point. The current UI does not to allow discovery of this default sort order. While it is nice to have the data here in a the forum, it might be better to actually show this info inside MC itself. Esp. if you're targeting more novice users, as other comments by JimH would seem to indicate. Call this a request to add something in the UI that shows the default sort order.
btw. I tried to discover the default sort order by selecting Audio. The selection quickly changes, not allowing selection. But, if I sneak in a right-click, I can get a pop-up menu that contains Customize. Inside there is a Sort pulldown, which also just says Default. (and btw. btw. while I'm in the Customize dialog, the main content pane unexpectedly turns to a 3D view).