Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: JONCAT on June 29, 2009, 08:48:46 am
Is there anything in the new MC about Remotes. I had heard about HID Remote support for MCE Remotes in JRMC14.
Something is intercepting and interfering with the HID signals from my Gyration remote. I have done troubleshooting for about 3 months with Melloware and everything points to JRiver MC13 (was something added to 13 from 14 dev.?)
We have used a Notepad test, where I program the remote to pass T, and it works to the Notepad, but MC interprets all commands as a shortcut to Guide in Theater View.
I don't know what else to do.
Just posting to subscribe to this thread. Very interested in the answer!
In MC13, the only HID codes we handle are ones coming from an MCE style remote control. These are all RIM_TYPEHID codes, we don't do any handling of HID keyboard or mouse codes (RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD, RIM_TYPEMOUSE).
We register to receive notification for two hid usage pages:
// adds Microsoft "vendor-defined" HID remote control device in order to support the MS remote
Rid[0].usUsagePage = 0xFFBC;
Rid[0].usUsage = 0x88;
// add "Consumer controls" device for the "Guide" button on the MS remote
Rid[1].usUsagePage = 0x0C;
Rid[1].usUsage = 0x01;
Most of the codes we handle are listed in the second table on this page: (
A button I used much before (to switch between standard, Theater View and Full Screen) has also been switched in the later MC13 builds. It now goes directly to the guide section in Theater View. Or was it Tuner or recordings? I'll check it out when I get home.
Looks like we have the same issue. I'm pretty sure this started as far back as 5-6 months ago. I haven't been able to fix it with Mello's help....
No changes to MC13 are planned in this area.
MC14 has HID support. Have you tried it? In Options/Remote, you can check or uncheck MCE Remote and/or HID.
Well it seemed like Mr. Haugen and I had a similar problem, but I haven't heard from him. As stated in this thread, I can't seem to correctly program my remote even though the shortcuts it is using work fine on the keyboard. MC seems to be interpreting them differently for some reason and always jumps to Guide in Theater View.
I don't think I can do anything with that button at all. My remote control is RF. The programming can only be done with input IR signals right?
Not sure, I will have to look into this tongiht.
I'd like to really like to pursue this now that I have my house/stereo etc. in order.
Used to be, the Gyration was a remote you could pull out of the box and use MC right away. Something changed at some point and now WMP seems to be mapped to the Gyration.
Even with Intelliremote, commands like CTRL + T, which my remote can execute in Notepad, don't work to change zones on MC13; I find the affair wholly bizarre and extremely confusing.
This should be simple for MC team to create a test for.
Just download AutoIt.
Create an .au3 script that does something like....
// Activate the MC window by Window Title
WinActivate("Media Center 14")
// Send CTRL+T to that window
That should emulate exactly what Intelliremote is trying to do with a virtual keyboard CTRL+T send.
I am in the same boat here, so would really appreciate some thought from the team on this one. Happy to be a guinnea pig if needed.
Doctor Cilantro or any other Intelliremote users. Can you try setting a remote button in Intelliremote to a Script Event with the following Script and see if it works in Media Center to send CTRL+T...
ControlFocus("Media Center 14", "", "" )
ControlSend("Media Center 14", "", "", "^t", 0)
Using the Gyration profile w/ Intelliemote, and mapping Info to F11, MC14 just flashes and remains in Standard View. Using the custom MC profile makes MC14 jump to Theater View Playing Now.
Using the Gyration profile w/ Intelliemote, and mapping Info to F11, MC14 just flashes and remains in Standard View. Using the custom MC profile makes MC14 jump to Theater View Playing Now.
And just to confirm you tried a Script event of...
// Send F11
Send("{F11}, 0")
...and it still did not work in MC14? Then I convinced something in MC14 changed because this all used to work in MC12 and MC13.
And just to confirm you tried a Script event of...
// Send F11
Send("{F11}, 0")
...and it still did not work in MC14? Then I convinced something in MC14 changed because this all used to work in MC12 and MC13.
not sure if you are interested in this info, but i just sended F11 keystroke to mc 14 using lua script (in girder), and that seems to work fine.
not sure if you are interested in this info, but i just sended F11 keystroke to mc 14 using lua script (in girder), and that seems to work fine.
Thanks Gab,
I only own MC12 and MC13 and I just mapped F11 in Intelliremote and it works fine for me in MC12 and MC13. I don't have MC14 to try with but this is weird.
I ripped out WMP from my Pc and it worked. BUT this was two weeks ago, and I still can't map unique key commands w/ Intelliremote.
I have tried both a JRiver profile and the Gyration profile.