Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: newsposter on July 01, 2009, 09:57:03 pm

Title: Replacement for TeraCopy?
Post by: newsposter on July 01, 2009, 09:57:03 pm
Ok, I've about had it with the (lack of) QA on the part of the teracopy developer.  The current release and the betas that led up to it were unreliable to say the least.  I love the simple UI and capabilities of teracopy, but the damned thing needs to be reliable on Vista as well as Win7

What else are people using for an enhanced file copier these days?

In light of the recent improvements in the native file copy speeds of both Vista SP2 and the Win7 betas, I would be quite happy with a 'shell enhancement' that uses the windows mechanism but adds:

Copy/Move shell integration with the Desktop
Progress Bars
Pause & Restart
Works with local drives as well as UNC paths
Checksum comparison of original and copy before completing move operations
Action/event logging for troubleshooting & auditing

Recommendations, please.....
Title: Re: Replacement for TeraCopy?
Post by: ThoBar on July 03, 2009, 07:11:13 am
SuperCopier -- no 64bit integration (works, but not as nicely as 32bit)
KillCopy -- as above
CopyHandler  -- The only one that seems to be in current development for Vista / Win7
Title: Re: Replacement for TeraCopy?
Post by: newsposter on July 06, 2009, 08:16:13 pm
Thanks.  Looking at their svn activity, CopyHandler seems to have the most activity.  Whether or not this is due to an active developemt & user community (good) or a huge number of bugs to be fixed (not so good) is unknown.

I do know that teracopy seems to have fallen off the wagon in terms of developer activity and reliability.  Their forums went down 10 days ago and their on-line storefront is also down.

A'm a-goin' to try out both KillCopy and CopyHandler.
Title: Re: Replacement for TeraCopy?
Post by: newsposter on July 21, 2009, 01:20:58 am
And I keep coming back to TeraCopy.  For all of it's under-the-covers warts, it still feels like 'the best' in a poor field.

The programmer has his site and forums back up and has a bug-fix release (v2.05) in beta.