Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: newsposter on July 23, 2009, 06:50:18 pm
Anyone beside me sick and tired of accidentally hitting the caps lock key on our laptop keyboards?
Absent the whole industry coming to it's senses and obsoleting the caps lock key (to the joy of noobs everywhere) I offer a link to the .reg files at this site:
Works on Vista and Win7. Should work fine on anything newer than XP.
Good, simple stuff that can be reversed.
Maybe you wanted to post this link ;) (
Nice site btw!
Yup, thanks for fixing up the url.
Not my site, just one I came across looking for a way to kill caps lock.
Those .reg files are the most elegant / easy / foolproog way I found.
IMHO, msft really should have a check box in the keyboard control panel applet to kill caps lock.
That's just me though.