More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: maid on August 04, 2009, 08:01:29 pm
I have just imported 20 avi files and only half have the video duration listed.
Any way to fix??
Cheers ; )
Youknow, I just noticed this issue myself recently. Maybe it's a new problem I'm not sure. In my case it's dvr-ms files. All import and play just fine but some are missing the duration.
Did you turn off thhumbnail building for videos?
Just done that
Now how do I get the duration to show up?
Did you turn off thhumbnail building for videos?
why do you ask? Is there an issue with populating the duration field while building thumbs?
I have no idea someone just suggested to try this lol
I just want to know why some of the durations dont show up.
Do the videos play fine? If not, it's probably a decoder problem. Try using CCCP for decoding of most used formats.
I have no idea of what the problem can be if the video does play fine though.
Videos play fine
I just want to know why I import 20 files and only 10 have durations.
why do you ask? Is there an issue with populating the duration field while building thumbs?
I may have been confused myself. At some point we moved some importing code into thumbnailing code, which means some fields may be populated during thumbnailing time, for example video dimension. But I am not sure if duration is also part of it.
I just checked, duration is not a delayed field. Whether video thumbnailing is on does not matter.
Any idea if the duration can be fixed or not.
Any idea if the duration can be fixed or not.
Not yet. I am looking into why duration is missing in many imports. You can try "Update Library (from tags)" on those files. Often the problem can be fixed.
From my experience: I've had 115 files, MPG and MKV, made from DVD and Blu-Ray rips, with no Duration, no Bitrate, and wrong or missing Dimensions. All of them play fine, in and outside MC. Once I've done an 'update library from tags' all of them got the Duration and Bitrate (correct values).
Dimensions is still missing or wrong, especially the Width for the HD mkv files that reads 2048 for no apparent reason. The Height it's either missing or alternating between 1088 and 1080 from file to file. Media Info Plus lists 1920x1080 for all these files.
My conclusion is that not all things work as well as expected at import time, and whatever the issue may be it may concern multiple file types. In my case some of the problems were corrected easily with another go at the files in question. Other problems like Dimensions remain.
Oh, just another idea: where is Win7 and its enforced codecs falling into this? You can't change priorities like in previous versions, making some choices in MC's playback method (does that affect the problems at hand?) having no effect.
I have done some investigation into this matter and have not found any obvious cause in terms of any recent code changes.
I created a new library and let MC discover my videos in several different locations, including mapped drives. After MC imported the videos, some files ended up having no duration. This is caused by MC failing to build a DirectShow filter for that file type during import. When a bad file is encountered subsequent importing of other files of the same type would also fail. I had a large number of avi files failing, which turns out was due to a couple of them being bad (unplayable).
I also had all my mkv failing, until I reinstalled CCCP and did a "Re-register filters" in CCCP configuration. For some reason my DirectShow filters had been badly messed up.
So, here are a couple of general advices on this matter:
1. Make sure your DirectShow filters are in good order. If you use CCCP, which we recommand, you can reset its settings:
Start > All Programs > Combined Community Codec Pack > Settings, on the second page of the wizard, you can check "Reset all settings" and "Re-Register Filters" checkboxes.
That usually will fix a lot of your DirectShow filter problems.
2. If you have a large number of video files that have no duration after import, you should first restart MC, then select those that do not have duration and choose Library Tools > Update Library (from tags). This should fix most of them. If that did not work, and
assuming you have DirectShow filters in good order and most files of the same type do play, you should try identifying those files that would not play and remove them from the library, then repeat this step.
Thanks for the advice Yaobing. Still doesnt make much sense in my case tho where a) all dvrms files play fine b) all other fields populate fine c) cyberlink decoder used to play them is registered and working fine d) it happens randomly to about 1 in 5 files auto imported, usually one at a time.
I'm sure I can fix them with the procedure you've described but it's dedious because I mostly use theater view and like I said, the problem is fairly frequent.
Perhaps mc could do an auto retry if obtaining the duration fails the first time?
I'll see if I can grab a log of the event when a failure occurs.
Some filters do behave well enough to play a file normally, but do not behave well when we put them in a background process or thread. We have not figured out a good way of dealing with this kind of situation.