More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: Marty3d on August 06, 2009, 03:02:50 am
Now that we can configure the items to show in Theater View, how do you arrange it?
I use Theater View mostly for TV shows and movies, so this is where I fiddled the most, but I would love to see how you guys set it up :)
* Adding structure later when I'm not at work ;) *
-filter movies > seen > duration > rating > hd / non hd > genre
-browse movies > browse the folders that contain movies
-browse tv > browse the folders that contain tv series (I do not keep them so filtering is not really nescessary here)
-photos and home videos
-filter > rating > keywords > keywords > keywords > keywords (I filter down till I get a nice sub set...mostly I use 3 steps...this is how I normally watch photos and home movies)
-browse all
-browse rated
-browse unrated (to rate new photos and videos)
-showroom (3d view)
List style: For movies and tv I use lineup all the way down. For photos and home videos als lineup except for the last live I use thumbnails.
Ok, here's my settings. Note: I have a few special fields:
[Theater View Album], where I group video files into folders and show subtitles, so I don't have to see duplicates, like "My Movie cd1" and "My Movie cd2", just "My Movie (English)". The calculated data looks like this: If(IsEmpty([Artist]),,[Artist] - )[Album] If(IsEmpty([Video - Subtitles]),,/([Video - Subtitles]/))
[Type] (movies or series).
[Watched] (yes/no)
- Video
- Genre [Genre, Watched, Theater View Album]
- All files [Type, Watched, Theater View Album]
- All files by Date Imported [Type, Watched, Date Imported by month, Theater View Album]
What I've noticed when doing testing, is that a preset dialog for the Details would be great! Most fields used are the same, and it takes some time to add these over and over again.