More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: Gl3nn on August 28, 2009, 09:08:04 am

Title: Playlist "Start" Page
Post by: Gl3nn on August 28, 2009, 09:08:04 am
(a) Is there a way to change this?

And (b) - if so, would it be possible to just display/arrange the playlists as click-able objects on that page?

Seems to me this would be a better way to manage total screen real estate than having (in my case) a long, scrolling list of playlists.

Thanks folks.  Have a nice day!
Title: Re: Playlist "Start" Page
Post by: rhgh on August 28, 2009, 09:30:14 am
b) I has create a view.
 customize view
     show categories in this order - you can add a playlist group.

Title: Re: Playlist "Start" Page
Post by: Gl3nn on August 28, 2009, 04:28:46 pm
Sorry but I have no idea what you're saying.
Title: Re: Playlist "Start" Page
Post by: rhgh on August 28, 2009, 06:01:30 pm
when you create a view.
Menu "View" - "add view" - "add library view". Select for example "Panes" and click "ok".
Now there is a new view name "Panes ..." on the left side.
then right mouse click on the new view and "customize view".
on the left side " show categories in this order" you choose "add"
on the left side  you choose " playlist group" and then you can see on the right side a list with your playlist.
now you choose a playlistgroup and click ok. Move the field on the top, and klick ok.
now you has a column with your playlist and you can select your playlist with one click.
Under customize view you can change a lot of settings for the view (sort, filter, Columns to show, lock view).

Title: Re: Playlist "Start" Page
Post by: Gl3nn on August 29, 2009, 09:00:03 am
Thanks, I didn't know you could do that, but I'm really interested in the "Playlists" group itself and whether or not you can alter/configure the lead start page therein to include the playlists.  As it stands now, most of that screen is taken up with verbiage or blank space that's pretty-much useless to me.

Anyone else?
Title: Re: Playlist "Start" Page
Post by: marko on August 29, 2009, 09:38:39 am
That page is an html webpage.
If you browse to "...\Media Center 14\Data\Default Webpages\English\Playlists" you can find the files.
If you create a new folder path: "...\Media Center 14\Data\Custom Webpages\English\Playlists"
You can create your own webpage there and MC will display this instead.
I posted similar steps to achieve a start page that integrated better with my chosen skin in this ( thread.

That's as much as I can help with as I know as much about html as I do about what's wrong with my wife atm (wimmin!!) :D
I don't think we can code links to playlists in an html page though, which is a shame. You never know though, there's a couple of web apps on the go in third party... maybe one of those guys knows some tricks?

Title: Re: Playlist "Start" Page
Post by: Gl3nn on August 29, 2009, 11:17:24 pm
Ah, yes, I see that now.  Thanks Marko.  I should have realized that as I remember reading your other thread.  Must have had a brain block.

It was just a thought.  It just seems like such a waste of screen real estate to have so much empty space, doing nothing.

And I'm with you on html... and wimmin!  :)