Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: kurushi on September 08, 2009, 03:47:28 am

Title: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: kurushi on September 08, 2009, 03:47:28 am
Hi all i have made since long time a skin i need to make some minors adjustements and i want to share it with you for contribution for this awesome MC14.(i 've just bought it:)
But before releasing hi need the right of the original authors because my skin is based on the model "odessa".But it's completely different i change many xml settings and remake the pictures.So it's not odessa anymore:)

If odessa maker is ok i 'll release it and credit him for the base skin.

I can post screen yet i am not at my house...

I 'll make another one too...

EDIT1: Light Skin is finished
Edit2: Dropped the rounded sélection.


Edit3:dark skin finished ,get it here:

And finally a very dark 2 versions:

Ps if someone can help me to post it on the skins submission.
Edit: Ihave reuploaded the 3 links are working now
Title: Re: New skin flat style soon...
Post by: Mr ChriZ on September 08, 2009, 06:12:14 am
Sounds interesting  :)
Title: Re: New skin flat style soon...
Post by: neFAST on September 08, 2009, 07:26:09 am
What a teasing!
Title: Re: New skin flat style soon...
Post by: kurushi on September 08, 2009, 07:35:01 am
thx Mr ChriZ
Yep mc14 have a lot of good skins but mainly in 3d and glassy style and i love the old flat style with no 3d at all :p
my skin have 2 models one bright background and another with black background.

Ah and the play pause buttons have a good bonus on them.

The feeling with this skin is good when in works.

I 'll release them this week-end but i need to redone some tweaks like adjust the background contrast  on the bright skin.
So i 'll post them this week -end for test purpose and so if u have some ideas about it  i 'll release them in 2 weeks in final state.

I don't plan anymore to spend so much time on them (i just want finishing some touchs) because i want to make another one completely different maybe flat but with reflect on it like a glasse but without 3d.

I stop it because my english sounds horrible ^^
Title: Re: New skin flat style soon...
Post by: neFAST on September 12, 2009, 05:23:44 am
Weekend has come. Time for a preview :p
Title: Re: New skin flat style soon...
Post by: kurushi on September 13, 2009, 04:24:33 pm
Weekend has come. Time for a preview :p
You right  ;D

I have make some theater views this week-end for matching my "Diaboliks" themes ===>And maybe a  mini view too.
So i haven't work on them yet but here's the previews (flatty & something different):

By gigapotatoes ( at 2009-09-13

By gigapotatoes ( at 2009-09-13
Title: Re: New skin flat style soon...
Post by: kurushi on September 24, 2009, 09:26:55 am
Hi sorry for the delay i haven't so much time i 'll work on it this week-end if i have more.
But i have forgotten one thing to say i have made this skin for mc12 And it seems to work without bugs in MC14 but does the compatibility is Total or i need to change some things in the xml?
The skin base is "odessa" from j.river inc.
Title: Re: New skin flat style soon...
Post by: kurushi on September 29, 2009, 03:53:27 am
hi all ok the bright skin is finish :)
i just need to finish the dark skin (maybe this week)
so the release is coming.

Edit: ok the compatibility is ok i think for MC 12 to 14 Thx bob for the hints:=)

Title: Re: New skin flat style soon...
Post by: phalanthus on October 04, 2009, 08:45:04 am
any progress ?
Title: Re: New skin flat style soon...
Post by: kurushi on October 05, 2009, 07:53:29 am
Hi sorry the dark skin is not finished yet but i 'll try this week.
sorry for this convenience but i haven't so much time.
Title: Re: New skin flat style soon...
Post by: phalanthus on October 11, 2009, 09:47:24 am
 :P :P :P
any progress ?
Title: Re: New skin flat style soon...
Post by: kurushi on October 15, 2009, 10:38:17 am
Sorry i was working on the portable instalaltion because i wasn't at home the dark skin was almost finished but due to a prob with my usb device the xml file was broken i need to remade the work  >:( :'(

It 'll released for sure but now i take my time (i need to forgot this mistake :p)

However i was planed to release the two skins together so i haven't too much time for work on the dark skin.

Anyway here's a preview almost finished for playing with it.


And maybe ure comments & suggestions 'll be improve the dark skin....

Edit light finished redownload i f u have dl the previous version (some minor tweaks)
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skin!
Post by: kurushi on October 24, 2009, 01:41:18 pm
Bump nobody have tried it?
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skin!
Post by: phalanthus on October 25, 2009, 03:13:30 pm
waiting for dark skin
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skin!
Post by: kurushi on October 28, 2009, 02:43:24 am
HI ok the black skin is finished maybe need some tweaks but i haven't so much time u can get here:

a screenshot:

( (
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skin!
Post by: JimH on October 28, 2009, 07:07:32 am
Thanks!  It's a great skin!
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skin!
Post by: darichman on October 28, 2009, 07:23:41 am
I really like it :) Nice work!
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skin!
Post by: kurushi on October 28, 2009, 07:47:55 am
Thx all for youre comments (spécially Jim H because it's based on your skin Odessa)
The bright skin is finished but i think the Dark skin need some adjustments with window option and other things but i haven't so much time and i want to work on a new one based on CRYSIS HUD.

And please Jim H can u respond to my post on plug-in/skin submission cause i haven't succeded to submit it so if u can submit it fot me it 'll be cool.(i am french and instructions are not so clear for me;i have tryed but without success.)

Thx all for you're positives feedback and feel free to modify it with créditing (many pictures are made with paint so really easy to custom it ;)

RE thx for J.river for this awesome soft more i use it more i love it and music is my passion...
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skin!
Post by: kurushi on October 29, 2009, 07:13:25 am
I have changes the offset of the playerbar schearch and i 'll do some final tweaks so it's not really the final.i 'll upload theme when it 'll be really finish but u can enjoy them in this state.
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state redl the 2 skins!
Post by: kurushi on October 31, 2009, 07:02:16 am
Ok now i have completed all the task:
position of playerbar schearch;some colour modified mute button on the dark skin similar to bright skin.

REDOWNLOAD them now it's really in finale state!

Now the only prob is for upload them on skins submissions:)

get them here:

Personnally i prefer use the light skin for tagging sessions  but for Videos the dark is better.

I hope u 'll have fun with them.

Now i can work on a very dark skin...
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state redl the 2 skins!
Post by: kurushi on November 29, 2009, 08:47:02 am
Hi all i have worked on a variation of diabolik dark here is the résult:
For black screen lovers(work well with 3D view).

Here with scrollbar but in the zip i have finally choose to make them more discret.


By gigapotatoes ( at 2009-11-29

Suggestion are welcome so i haven't used yet i have worked 2 hour on it.

U can Grab it here:
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on November 29, 2009, 10:11:50 am
 ;D finally i come more & more dark:
By gigapotatoes ( at 2009-11-29

Pick it here:

EDIT:Oups i have forgotten the skin preview in (it's the old one) But anyway i 'll make another version.

Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on December 12, 2009, 09:57:28 am
I have updated the player bar schearch and corrected a bug (i was maid a mistake in the folder name of the ^diabolik^ Dark skin.
Sorry for the convenience.
you are good for re dl them it 'll be fast anyway ^^
But You need to delete the Folder ^Diabolik^ dark in :
C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 14\Skins\Standard View\""^Diabolik^ dark""

Cause u can't switch to diabolik & db light...

I have submitted today so see the v 1.1 before downloading.
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on December 12, 2009, 10:32:09 am
I have played with the inverted effect and effect 2 & 3 on the skin,it look not so bad.

By gigapotatoes ( at 2009-12-12

By gigapotatoes ( at 2009-12-12

By gigapotatoes ( at 2009-12-12

By gigapotatoes ( at 2009-12-12
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on March 26, 2010, 10:47:20 am
I have trying a red variation of the diabolik skin so it's more diabolik in red.
It's just a preview and i don't plan to spend so much time on it i 've played around 1 hour and don't know when i 'll finish it.
At the beginning i was seeing the diabolik in red but i have switched to somewhat more easy on eyes.

Anyway this the skin in this alpha state...
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on March 28, 2010, 03:25:58 pm
I have played a little with the ^diabolik^ light skin about the tab buttons & the slimplayer.
Here's the result:

Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on March 28, 2010, 05:04:19 pm
And finally for the ^diabolik^ dark skin:
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on March 29, 2010, 10:46:51 am
About the tabs buttons do you prefer the olds one or the news one?
Because i plan to update and maybe to release the final state of the ^diabolik^ skins.
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on March 29, 2010, 03:35:55 pm
Finally i have almost finished the ^^Diabolik skin.
Here the result,i need to test it a little for to find some part none skinned and then i 'll release however if anyone want test it for a preview i can host it just say me here.
This one is for dark session.
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on March 30, 2010, 01:51:44 pm
Hi i have made some little change in the seekbar here the result:

I have placed a point in the center for better feeling with seeking(on the screenshot u can see 3 point it was a test...)
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on March 31, 2010, 08:03:30 pm
here the result after Mr Chriz hint about the fullscreenplayer :D
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on April 02, 2010, 03:01:53 pm
I have tried a white version of ^diabolik^ light it took me just 3 minute so i 'll not release it because you just need to edit the :
mainframe stuff in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 15\Skins\Standard View\^Diabolik^ white
and to made white all the light parts and to open the main.xml for to edit the colour of the back list in the <list> section.
Anyway here how it looks: (it's more conventionnal like noire)
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: bob on April 05, 2010, 04:13:32 pm
I like the light skin a lot. It looks really nice in my work setup where there is a lot of light in my face (my monitor is in front of a window).
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on April 05, 2010, 05:39:26 pm
Thx bob for you're words you can have more white screen like the white that i show at the top of you're post.It take about 2 minutes to tweak the light skin for to have more white space.Because the light skin is a little pink in the background and have a dark playerbar.
Anyway thx for the feedback i 'm feel less alone here:)
If u have suggestions for improvements....

On the screenshot u can notice some differences if u have downloaded it from the plug-in submission.I'll release them in finale state soon and the red skin too.
And maybe the white skin too but i need to change some things on it for to have a little more different style than the already light skin.
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: brossmac on April 06, 2010, 11:24:00 am
Thanks for these.  While I like the shiny semi-three-dimensional skins, I'm really a big fan of flat skins.
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on April 06, 2010, 11:34:27 am
Thx for the words i love the flat skins too and it's not always easy to be flat in windows :D
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: kurushi on April 07, 2010, 10:56:52 am
So the 5 skins are updated in final state i test them and they 'll be released soon so stay tuned!
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.
Post by: kurushi on April 14, 2010, 12:10:04 pm
So i 've just to submitted the 5 skins:
A lot of minor changes 2 new skins white & red.
Dialog polished
Buttons for maximize minimize etc are changed i use those of Noire skin with some tweaks on them.
Better preview and skin info updated.
Little changes in the name of the skin for better handling in the skin chooser window.

I 'll release another finale version maybe but i think it's near the real final state.
Maybe i 'll make a blue one for the finish and so i 'll make another one completely different this time...

Here's the preview:
By gigapotatoes ( at 2010-04-14

The newcovierview from MC15:
By gigapotatoes ( at 2010-04-14

Use them together accordings with your moods & HAVE FUN!
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.
Post by: gappie on April 14, 2010, 12:26:45 pm
that looks very nice kurushi.
for downloading i should use the links from the first post?

(and of topic: is that drum program you use good?)


Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.
Post by: kurushi on April 14, 2010, 01:00:31 pm
Hi Gappie for downloaded u have just to be patient because i have submitted them Today.
I think Bob is not so far away ;)

[Off Topic]

For the drum plug-in that i use (i think you speak about another skin that is on mypage?)
he's i think one o f the better i use (probably the best) it's simply Mdrummer

The factory sound bank are too "heavy" for me (and certainly for you're "jazz lover" ears)[EDIT theres good brush however] but are easy mixable and have very good punch but Anyway you can add you're own bank :D and with my good own ludwig customised i am very happy of the sound.

I use it a lot for jamming but the devoper per eg use it for creating drumtracks (it can be generate million of beats with a few clicks)

You can use it at a librerarian side for you're midi files and sample banks.

Have total control on each part of the drumkit.

Really good built-in plugs too.

The soft is totally skinnable :) Thx to the author vojtech for to have created a skin creator for this furious skin engine:)

You can simply try the demo they are 2 version to use a full fonctionnal demo and a  free light version if i remember correctly.

I like to use it added with Jamstix2 or with the vintage rock kit from ezdrummer.

I have used battery  from N.I before by the past good soft but Mdrummer is really better.
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.
Post by: gappie on April 14, 2010, 04:42:47 pm
found it. the drumming program that is. looks very nice and promising. thanks for the recommendation. i have something new to play with the next days. 8) and looks less complex for setting up a simple rhythm then with fruityloops, even maybe in 7/4.... thanks

and i also found the skins. just downloaded diabolik  "standard". very nice. love the way the action window 'hangs' in the tree.. will play around with it.


Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.
Post by: kurushi on April 14, 2010, 10:02:59 pm
Hi the new version is not on the plug-in form, i have submitted it today.So you have downloaded an earlier version.
So if you don't want to wait u can grab the suite here:

For Mdrummer it can handle odd metter(there's a post on the forum about odd time signatures) but i need to figure out XD.
Fruitty loops can do several instruments Mdrummer is only drums (you can sure import your bass sample but it's not the goal of the soft).Now when i think drum in my daw i think Mdrummer :)

for the action window it was based on a mistake but the result is good.
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.
Post by: gappie on April 15, 2010, 01:57:02 am
now i have them all in one. thanks.
i see in your screenshot you also played around with the default art..  8)

fruity loops is very nice and of course for more then drums. but also more work to set up right when you just want something quick and simple.

Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.
Post by: kurushi on April 15, 2010, 06:08:41 am
Personnally i use Ext v1 for live played of my vsti.
Tracktion for record the audio.
And live for flexibility in composing.

For a good simple software but powerfull and with a good skin lol u can check mulab i like it i don't have buy yet but surly 'll.
You can check it:

For the default art you mean the nothumb audio bitmap? or the icons?
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.
Post by: gappie on April 15, 2010, 06:47:22 am
i mean the icons. the nice 8th notes for audio. i know how to do that, gives a nice idea.. 8)

i did not know mutools. looks nice. will check it out later. for now i still have 6 hours to go before mdrummer small is downloaded  :P
i use sawstudio basic for recording. i love that software, expensive though.
and i use reaper, which i think is very nice too.
they also have some free plugins


Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.
Post by: kurushi on April 15, 2010, 07:11:10 am
yes repaer rock!
i 'll check sawstudio.You 'll have sure good fun with mdrummer (check also Jamstix2 if you don't know yet)

For the icon yes i have made a post on them u can see more screenshot in it....
For artist it's a hat, a black hat;)
And a "idea lamp" for smartlist:)

Edit:  i was played with  the saw demo i think there's long time.I 'll install it lol he have hundred of skin like the default skin XD
But some are very good like this one :D
or this:

The midi workshop seems cool for midi editing.

I go download the demo.

Edit: i have more tried the saw demo i 'll not use so much window i like all in one window (doesn't find shortcut for mixer view etc...) and there's no 32 bit only 16 or 24.

I can speak with you to music & daw on pm if you want cause it's not the right place here :)

And about the skin what is you're best or the one you don't like?
Title: Re: ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state 3 skins+2more very dark .
Post by: bob on April 20, 2010, 02:11:47 pm
So the 5 skins are updated in final state i test them and they 'll be released soon so stay tuned!
Thanks for your patience!

They are up on the plugins page now. If one does standard skins and most recent they will sort to the top.

I'm using Blanc, it's very nice. The ^^Diabloik one is cool as well.

Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.
Post by: kurushi on April 21, 2010, 12:41:13 pm
Thank you Bob!
It's cool that you like it (i have released the white finally for users who have their monitorin front of  a window ;) like you.
So it's not totally white but u can just change the background for a pure white because it's not contrasting with other white colours on the skin ;) but anyway it's almost white:)

A lot of love was made in this skins.
The first one was the ^diabolik^ skin i have made a lot of change on it then i have worked on others so they become not just a simple variation but i have tried to stay in the same model as ^diabolik^ because the suite was in my mind since the beginning...
I like the new buttons based on Noire The buttons is the part who has been the most modified.

I have maid so many versions of each (in fact when i launched MC i was launching Gimp together XD)

EDIT: I have put the web adress of this topic in the preview text so maybe you can drop it because it's useless only the first part of the adress appear...

Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.
Post by: kurushi on April 21, 2010, 01:01:56 pm
If i had time i plan to release another one with white (or more sand) & blue colours.Only two colour this time ;)

It's this player skin who has inspired me:

I love this skin! Even i don't use white background:)
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: kurushi on April 24, 2010, 08:21:55 am
Hi,I have seen some little mistake in the font colour of the skin so i 'll be released another fixed version and a more big font in the playerbardisplay if the gappie tricks work;).
Anyway for those who have tested the new states of the skins feedback are welcome.
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: kurushi on April 26, 2010, 02:17:23 pm
Hi ok here the result with some change in the playerbar display:

Edit:I have a little changed some colours in the text and MAKE ALL THE SKIN BEHAVIOR like NOIRE 8)
I 'll post screenshot after cause i plan to improve some area...
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: kurushi on May 03, 2010, 03:40:03 pm
Hi all 3 post earlier i was talking about a blue & sand version here the screen:
It took me just one hour of work because ^Diabolik^ skins are very easy to customise even with paint on the most parts ;)
By gigapotatoes ( at 2010-05-03

Feedback & suggestions are always welcome
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: kurushi on May 13, 2010, 01:07:00 am
yeah the 2000 view is done :)
But it's strange 2000 but not so much feedback:) appear from the others who have put some kind words:
Mr Chriz
& gappie
So maybe 2 others version in white/green and in white/red and the ^diabolik^ chapter 'll be closed :)
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: bob on May 13, 2010, 10:19:38 am
I do like the screenshot of the blue and sand!
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: kurushi on May 14, 2010, 12:29:58 am
Thank you Bob!
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: phalanthus on May 15, 2010, 02:34:44 am
 ;D ;D ;D

how do i get the blue and sand

i like it !
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: kurushi on May 15, 2010, 07:08:59 am
thank you pahalantus you seems to be hungry  of the ^diabolik^ skins :D
This one 'll be released with the others in a final state there's some little mistakes who need to be fixed like colour on some texts so you have to wait; stay tuned!
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: phalanthus on May 16, 2010, 10:50:44 pm
 ;D ;D
will do
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: phalanthus on May 24, 2010, 11:39:46 am
any progress ?
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: kurushi on May 26, 2010, 08:05:31 am
Hi Phalantus i haven't the time yet cause i play a lot with another soft at this time (Guitar pro6).But i 'll take some time for to finish them soon...
Title: Re: Five ^diabolik^ Skins! Now in finale state.ONLINE NOW! Thx Bob.
Post by: kurushi on February 04, 2013, 11:52:02 pm
Hi,i 'll be release the last blue one not much work in it but it's for  to close the ^diabolik^chapter.
Edit:just noticed my versions are updated for others diaboliks skins too so i 'll reupload them too...