Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: JONCAT on September 09, 2009, 10:01:42 am
White screen when enabling PM 1.6 Track info plug-in which works perfectly in MC13 to show tons of metadata pulled from Last.FM. Even lightbox works. Pretty much a deal-breaker for me. Screenshot taken from MC13.
What is PM?
Version 1.6 (not the cover flow) - it's not supported anymore, but it does work perfectly in MC13. I think it is one of the best TrackInfo plugins of all time; maybe you guys should incorporate it. Everyone I show it to really digs it.
I'm not sure of the version, but Matt tested PM this afternoon and it was working in this build.
Thanks for the quick response Jim.
It does seem to be working all the sudden (did you remote desktop in and fix it?).
When I switched back to MC13 this afternoon, I saw a flash of white screen before it loaded up. I now have PM 1.6 default and my own slightly modified css version working in MC14.
I'll be ordering my upgrade soon.
Seems to be broken again. All the sudden I can't use any Track Info plugin. I just get a white screen for all of them. Even after moving the PM folder out, and upgrading to the newest version of MC as of the 21 of Sept.