Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: jmone on September 12, 2009, 06:47:33 pm

Title: TIP: Get Windows to do "Something" upon waking up (like reload your library)
Post by: jmone on September 12, 2009, 06:47:33 pm
As an example, I'm using Windows Task Scheduler to reload the Library when the PC "wakes up" from sleep mode.  I'm currently using one library on a network share for all my PC's (one is Read/Write, the rest are Read Only) till the bugs in Library Server get sorted out.  One Problem with the appoach is that any changes made to the Library is not seen by the Read Only users until you reoad your Library (or Restart MC) on these PCs.

Here is how you can get your PC to do "Something" upon waking up.
- Open Task Scheduler and create a New Task
- In the Triggers Tab, set LOG="System", SOURCE="Power-Troubleshooter", EventID="1"
- In the Actions Tab, set ACTION="Start a program", Program/Script="MC14,exe" Add argument="/mcc 20025, 2" (note: the ", 2" is to load my Library #2).   

I've also used this to run a "RefreshMC.bat" that contained "MC14.exe /close" then "MC14.exe" but it was not as elegant and would not work if MC was doing something (like loading an EPG) and a confirmation window would appear instead of just closing.

Title: Re: TIP: Get Windows to do "Something" upon waking up (like reload your library)
Post by: dgilgonzalez on October 19, 2009, 03:27:33 pm
Hi Nathan

Thanks for this post!!
