More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: bunglemebaby on October 07, 2009, 03:04:13 pm
With the advent of the new Theater View themes I decided that I'd take a few minutes to play with them. What I discovered was mostly a realization that I don't understand Theater View as much as I thought.
- I only have an Info Panel for Video files. I'm certain this isn't intended. How do I get the Info Panel up for Audio and Images? I vaguely remember some updates requiring a "restore defaults", but I don't want to erase my current setup if I don't need to.
- This might become more obvious once I get the info panel running for Audio/Images, but under the theater view options to configure the info panel there is what appears to be a bunch of info panel layouts "schemes". Do each of the audio/video/images/etc "schemes" apply to that root item or is whichever of these I choose used for all media viewed in Theater View?
- Where can I find info on how to configure the new Themes? I dorked around for a while and perused a few of the forum topics, but didn't really find anything useful. Has this been discussed in a thread that I wasn't able to find?
- Is it possible to have a different Playing Now for Theater View (than that of Standard View)? My Track Info view just looks silly in Theater View's playing now.
- Some options (Disable Windows MC is the one I remember offhand) don't seem to stick in the theater view options. Bug or something weird with my system or other?
-The wiki on Theater View doesn't seem to have been updated since the advent of rollers. Just thought I'd mention it.
Thanks for any info. I get the impression that theater view is really starting to come into its own, now I just need to figure out how to utilize it.
Please update to the latest version and ensure that you're using the Obsidian skin.
I'm using v14.0.79 with the regular (non-touch) Obsidian skin.
For the file info problems, maybe try:
Options > Theater View > Customize file info panel... > Manage... > Reset All Templates To Default
As for the MCE option, what OS are you on? Does it have MCE installed?
For the file info problems, maybe try:
Options > Theater View > Customize file info panel... > Manage... > Reset All Templates To Default
Didn't help. It does now show track names underneath the cover art (I'm pretty sure it didn't before), but does not show "name: " in front of it, like it does for Video.
As for the MCE option, what OS are you on? Does it have MCE installed?
I'm on WinXP MCE, but at some point a while back I went through some steps to try to make it go away altogether. If memory serves correctly though, it can't actually be uninstalled so it should still be there. This isn't actually causing any problems for me at the moment, but I noticed that the check box didn't stay checked when going back into the options.
I get the impression that theater view is really starting to come into its own, now I just need to figure out how to utilize it.
I imagine that's accurate. ;)
A few suggestions to get you started...
Do as Matt suggests, and also select Edit for each so you see how they work. You can define the templates any way you like—each applies to the files matching it's search criteria. So instead of having one for video (the default), you might prefer one for Series and one for Other video. The configuration of fields for each template is simple, but powerful. You can place any field or expression in any order in the small and/or large views.
The default "Items to Show" configuration may very well not do much for you. This configuration is also very flexible—almost as much so as for views in Standard View. Be prepared for some experimentation to determine what sort of views you're most comfortable with. An interesting way to start is to Add... Library Item from Standard View. Pick the views you're most familiar with in Standard View—then you're more likely to recognize what's going on with each view's equivalent in Theater View. Unfortunately, these views cannot be modified for Theater View. To define a configurable view, you have to build it on your own. This is a little tedious, but not difficult. The hard part is deciding exactly how you want it to work.
Didn't help. It does now show track names underneath the cover art (I'm pretty sure it didn't before), but does not show "name: " in front of it, like it does for Video.
I don't recognize that behaviour. You might try resetting "Items to Show" as well. Please try what I've suggested above, and then tell us exactly how the relevant template and view are configured.
Well, I'm making headway. Thanks for the subtle shove in the right direction :D.
The configuration of fields for each template is simple, but powerful. You can place any field or expression in any order in the small and/or large views.
I had misunderstood the use of this before. Powerful is definitely the word here, especially when combined with some good "Items to Show" schemes.
I fixed the missing info panel, but I'm not 100% sure how it happened. In hind sight I'm guessing that it was "Customize file info panel... > Manage... > Reset All Templates To Default" and then making sure that the fields I was looking for were selected for the small view (not just for the large view). I had previously selected some fields to be small-viewable, with no success, so something must have been log-jammed someplace. It's also possible that resetting "Items to Show" aided my cause as I jumped the gun and did that too ::). This will give me a chance to start fresh with a good set of views though...
Thanks again for the help! I'll probably be back again once I figure out enough to confuse myself again...