More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: johnnyboy on October 21, 2009, 08:51:24 am
I want to create a view with the panes at the top, then underneath that I want all my Albums to show as thumbnails and I want to be able to click on any album and see the list of the files that it includes in a details view.
So far I can do Panes + Albums, Panes + Details or Albums + Details but I cant work out how to do the combination.
Is it possible?
Unfortunately, I think this is not possible. If it was, I would use it too with dropdown panes.
I think it has been asked before a few times...hopefully one day they will add support for this kind of view...please... ;)
Something like that was possible for a little while in the very early stages of MC13 development. Unfortunately the behavior was not intended and was reverted. Here's my old reply:
Media Center 13.0.9
1. Changed: Reverted library viewing system to be suspiciously similar to Media Center 12.
I liked the following view configurations in 13.0.8:
Disk Location in the tree + Album Thumbnails + file list. (Playing Now is in a separate split.)
Click to enlarge. (
Panes On Left + Album Thumbnails + file list. (Playing Now is in a separate split.)
Click to enlarge. (
I have still missed these views. They would be very useful for me.
Yeah and with the dropdown panes there is more then enough room vertically to have both the thumbnails and details!