Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Toki the Monkey on October 22, 2009, 06:04:20 am

Title: IMDB or Any Other Movie Database - Automaticly Download Content
Post by: Toki the Monkey on October 22, 2009, 06:04:20 am
Is it Possible with j River to import Data fom IMDB or similar? is there any Plugin?

I want to import my Movie Folder to MC and then J River have to lookup Filename and lookup on IMDB for that.

I want automaticly Download for Covers and infos etc. Like the mp3 Taging/Cover function.
Title: Re: IMDB or Any Other Movie Database - Automaticly Download Content
Post by: JimH on October 22, 2009, 07:05:06 am
There are a couple of solutions on this board.  PVDImport and MyMovies.
Title: Re: IMDB or Any Other Movie Database - Automaticly Download Content
Post by: Toki the Monkey on October 22, 2009, 03:36:39 pm
So i have 2 or 3 Applications installed? Thats not not so good. I thougth J River claims to be one in all Solution. With PVD oder MyMovies i can also Use Media Monkey + PVD or something like this for free. Why i have to Pay for J River (witch is an very good programm, no question about it) when i can use 2 or 3 Open Source/Freeware apps to get the same Results?

Get IMDB/OFDB build-in import and J River is Godlike. But when i have to install any other Solutions beside J River, i see no Reason for it.

Title: Re: IMDB or Any Other Movie Database - Automaticly Download Content
Post by: gappie on October 22, 2009, 04:48:10 pm
there is also the plugin from alaskatu that works very nice. picks it right from imbd. when you want the covers it wants a small extra program installed. but it runs from within mc.
when you think free is better. just use that.

Title: Re: IMDB or Any Other Movie Database - Automaticly Download Content
Post by: raldo on October 23, 2009, 05:08:16 am
when you think free is better. just use that.
Neither MyMovies, alaskatu's plugin,  nor PVD cost money.
Title: Re: IMDB or Any Other Movie Database - Automaticly Download Content
Post by: raldo on October 23, 2009, 05:11:11 am
Why i have to Pay for J River (witch is an very good programm, no question about it) when i can use 2 or 3 Open Source/Freeware apps to get the same Results?

No freeware apps can do what JRiver MC does.

MC opens for plugins and other solutions for import of video meta data. The three abovementioned solutions for importing are all free.
Title: Re: IMDB or Any Other Movie Database - Automaticly Download Content
Post by: gappie on October 23, 2009, 07:13:39 am
Neither MyMovies, alaskatu's plugin,  nor PVD cost money.
im sorry, i know that. it was a poorly written sentence from me.
it was a reaction to:
Why i have to Pay for J River (witch is an very good programm, no question about it) when i can use 2 or 3 Open Source/Freeware apps to get the same Results?

Title: Re: IMDB or Any Other Movie Database - Automaticly Download Content
Post by: raldo on October 23, 2009, 07:47:39 am
No sweat.