More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: Vocalpoint on November 13, 2009, 01:30:22 pm
Ever since becoming a MC fan...I have noticed on numerous occasions - that if I have Run Auto-Import in Background checked - along with Analyze Audio....that in most cases - some songs remain at as status of "Queued" like - forever.
I tested it again this morning with 14.0.94 and the same thing occurred. I moved 10 albums (all in FLAC format) over to my studio PC and left it to do it's thing for 2 hours. When I examined the new entrys - each album had 7 out of 10 songs done and no more.
How long should this "analysis" take.
In a more extreme example - on another PC - I have been moving MP3 based material onto this box for months using the various versions of v13 and v14 over that time frame. Last week when I hit upon a particular playlist of various tunes on my iPod - several songs came blasting out of the phones - telling me that the replay gain data was seriously off - or completely missing.
Sure enough - when I ran Analyze Audio on the entire stash - some 7200 files - I found that 300 or so - had no analysis done at all....that was easily fixed - but shouldn't this happen automagically with the Auto import process?
Can't really trust this thing if I pour hundreds of tracks into a library and only a portion actually get processed... Comments? Thoughts?
Analysis intentionally runs slowly during a background auto-import to keep resource usage low.
Also, a background auto-import only runs when a change is detected in a watched folder or once a bit after initial program startup.
You can manually run an auto-import or use the 'Analyze Audio' tool if you're in more of a hurry.
And since the results are saved to the tags by default, you shouldn't need to analyze a file more than once.
Analysis intentionally runs slowly during a background auto-import to keep resource usage low.
Understood...but it seems to never actually completes it's run. I can move a half dozen albums to a PC across the network that has MC running. Presumably the Auto Import starts shortly thereafter - but I can leave the machine alone for 6 hours (with no more files added) and come back to find that only 80% of the files actually had any audio analysis written to the tags. The other 20% remained "queued".
Why is it stopping?
Also, a background auto-import only runs when a change is detected in a watched folder or once a bit after initial program startup.
Would a backup be detected as a change? I have SyncBack SE running every four hours against my FLAC share to ensure everything is backed up. Could this be "pre-empting" the Auto Import?
You can manually run an auto-import or use the 'Analyze Audio' tool if you're in more of a hurry.
Yep - that works great and everything is analyzed straight away and completely.
But - there is still something odd going. I mean - even tho this process is designed to be slow - and to keep resource usage low - it should complete ALL the analysis at some point without needing a helping hand.
And since the results are saved to the tags by default, you shouldn't need to analyze a file more than once.
The results only seem to be saved to tags when running the library function "Analyze Audio". When files are auto-imported, the MC database is updated with the BPM information but the tag is not updated. I've seen this reported in a number of other threads - definitely a bug.
The results only seem to be saved to tags when running the library function "Analyze Audio". When files are auto-imported, the MC database is updated with the BPM information but the tag is not updated. I've seen this reported in a number of other threads - definitely a bug.
Hmmm...I am see something a bit different. In all instances where I have noticed a real obvious "miss" ... a typical example - say an album with 10 tracks...8 of them will be "analyzed"..and the tags are's just the other two need to be analyzed by the button press - sometimes days or weeks after the fact (since I was assuming everything gets done by Auto Import when first copied over).
As I mentioned - I found some tracks still sitting at "queued" even weeks after the material was placed in the share. However other times...I would see the entire album completed in a short while - with correct tags I do not know what the deal is...
I wish we could have some sort of indicator that an auto-import is happening (in the background - maybe a spinning globe or progress bar or something) or perhaps even be able to see which file is being processed?