More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: lise on November 22, 2009, 05:19:10 pm
I was hoping someone could help.
I have keywords such as:
I would like to create a view scheme that displays 3 panes, each of which is for keywords, but which display the levels of nesting. For example
Pane 1 Pane 2 Pane 3
Woodworking Furniture Beds
I know how to do a similar thing with filepaths as in ListItem([Filename (path)], 5, \) which only shows the 5th directory, and I know how to do it with filepath and count to count the directories starting from the filename (so ListItem([Filename (path)],Math(ListCount([Filename (path)],\)-1),\) which will show the last directory.
I've tried replacing filename (path) in the above expressions with keywords, but that doesn't work.
I've got ListItem([keywords],Math(ListCount([keywords],\)-1),\) for my last column, and that seems to work as it shows
But for the previous level of nesting, I've got ListItem([keywords],Math(ListCount([keywords],\)-2),\)
it shows Woodworking;Finishing instead of just Finishing.
Well, I thought I wanted that, but I forgot that expressions can't be used in tagging.
One of the main reasons I wanted to divide up the nested keywords in that way was to make it simpler to tag: I could select Woodworking in one colum, Finishing in the other, and then Antiquing in the third, and I'm done. But alas, that can't be done with expressions. I know I can do this with various fields (genre\subgenre\keywords) etc, but I was trying to use only keywords, as so many people here do.
Oh well. If anyone has any ideas, I'd sure appreciate it.
No ideas? I've been at it forever, and am not even coming close.
I think it's to do with the fact that you can't separate keywords twice, using \ (for nested) and ; for different keywords.
To illustrate, I was just trying to use listcombine in a pane to get genre\subgenre by combining both lists. This is simpler, because my subgenres are not nested like my keywords are, so the issue with the \ is elimiated. All I need to do is separate the keywords when there are multiples, based on the semi-colon. I figured that would happen, but it didn't always. Instead, where there were multiples, the subgenres got listed individually instead of under (or with) the genre.
Instead of
I get
subgenre 3
So basically, I can't figure out how to say:
1. Look at the keywords or subgenres
2. separate them based on ;
3. Now, look at them again. Do they include a \? if so, list the keyword to the left of the backslash.
4. Is there another backslash? If so, then list the keyword that is two backslashes away. Bascially a Count.
Similar thing for my list combine genre and subgenre:
List the Genre.
Look at the subgenres. If there are multiples, separate them based on the ;
Now place each relevant one after Genre\
I believe I do a similar thing with my image and texture files. I do have a "nested" approach in my data, but I have to use multiple fields as you describe, not keywords.
This just a post so you know someone else considered it and came to the same conclusion as you.