More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: JimH on December 16, 2009, 11:18:22 am
We're trying out some software this week, testing against MC's UPnP/DLNA Server. I thought I'd document a little of it. (For definitions, please see Wikipedia's DLNA ( article.)
Cidero ( has a Media Controller that acts as a UPnP Control Point. It has characteristics of a remote control, since it can choose content on another device and play it on a "renderer" (a TV, for example).
When you run Cidero, it searches the network to find UPnP "devices" and "renderers". MC's UPnP Server is a UPnP "device", and so it is found. The control point can find an MC library and play it on a UPnP or DLNA "renderer". You can think of it as client-server, with control off-loaded to a third object.
To get this working, I was using a build of MC that is not yet released, but it may also work with build 111 from the top of this board.
Settings were stock (no changes). DLNA was unchecked in Advanced. Conversion was set to "Always Convert", MP3, and VBR.
A related thread:
Very cool, thanks.
We've spent a lot of time working on this the last few days. We've learned a lot.
1. It's a very messy area. Standards exist, but they may not be followed.
2. Some other software, reputed leaders in this area, don't do a very good job.
3. Microsoft seems to have embraced DLNA. Windows Media Player on Win7 has a feature called "Play to" that lets you start up playback to a DLNA device. It works pretty well.
4. WMP on Win 7 finds MC's UPnP server (in both UPnP and DLNA mode) and plays from them.
5. Interface issues are difficult. Nobody does it very well. We think MC's zones are a good match for the task.
This may seem like esoteric work, but it isn't. DLNA enabled TV's are stacking up already, and CES is around the corner.
DLNA is an important building block for our mission of delivering any media, any time, any place.
If you could take a streaming feed, like Hulu, and send it to my DLNA device it would be very cool.
I've tried this with my D-Link 520's. It works but up to a point. It is very flaky. I'm sure you could do better.
I tested over the weekend with the DLink 520. It worked OK.
What build are you using? 111 is on this board.
We're doing a lot of work in this area right now, so please continue to try it and report details on any problems.
Will do. I'm also using 111. For some reason it just fails to start (play) media unless I have already started something in the 520. I'll play with it more.
No problems when I send audio to them. But Video just will not select and play. I can start the video from the 520 and Cidero reports the media in it's player widow. At that time I can stop it and restart it. But it will restart from the begining.
I didn't realize that you were also talking about using a control point (Cidero).
Give us a week or two. There's a chance it will work.
If there is, or sometime in the future a way inside of MC to control my DLink's that would be fantastic. But I can see from the firmware structure on the dlink that it is going to be a big can of worms. So what did you think I meant? What can I test?
If there is, or sometime in the future a way inside of MC to control my DLink's that would be fantastic. But I can see from the firmware structure on the dlink that it is going to be a big can of worms. So what did you think I meant? What can I test?
See if anything can control the 520. I'm not sure it's possible. Try Cidero or Twonkyvision.
I have been looking in to the zone capabilities of jriver for some time and would love a cost effective way to zone through out the house using WIFI. Currently I am using a n800 to control tversity and play through a popcorn hour, but the control point will only allow me to play to one player at a time. If one could use the zones from jriver that would be awesome. What build would I need to test this?
I have been looking in to the zone capabilities of jriver for some time and would love a cost effective way to zone through out the house using WIFI. Currently I am using a n800 to control tversity and play through a popcorn hour, but the control point will only allow me to play to one player at a time. If one could use the zones from jriver that would be awesome. What build would I need to test this?
Please try build 118 at the top of this board.