More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: glynor on January 19, 2010, 01:30:57 pm
I have a LOT of H264 encoded TS files that come off of my Hauppauge HD-PVR box, which MC does support. These files play back fine in MC, however... I'm not able to change the playhead position at all, via any mechanism (dragging, or the skip ahead/back functions). I can sometimes drag the playhead forward once, but then it seems to get stuck and will only play from that point on. Basically, I can't "seek" the files at all. If I drag the playhead, or use the Skip Ahead/Back keystroke, it "seems" to work as far as the UI is concerned, but then resumes play from where it was previously and not at the new position. Playback (and Pausing) itself works fine.
I'm using the current build of CoreAVC 2.0 for playback (CCCP is also installed, of course). Most of these files are stereo-only, so no audio decoder is required or loaded. These same files seek properly in MPC-HC and in BeyondTV using the same filters (though BTV doesn't use Haali but has an internal splitter).
Any help?
It probably is caused by CoreAVC. I can reproduce it (with CoreAVC 1.9.5). With CoreAVC, not only you can not seek, you can not do anything in MC without losing control of MC completely. I will play with it more, but this is really a strange behavior. Everything is fine if ArcSoft Video Decoder is used instead.
Turn off CoreAVC's tray icon. Everything works fine.
Tray icons are a bad idea for filters. They have caused a lot of problems with Haali and FFDShow, too.
Turn off CoreAVC's tray icon. Everything works fine.
I'll try that and let you know.
I tried it and it made no difference.
One thing I should mention is that these files are actually ".tp" files, which is the extension BTV uses for it's transport stream files. I don't know why it uses the weird extension.
Either way, MPC-HC, VLC, and even Windows Media Player all handle these files fine with my existing filter set, and have no trouble manually seeking around in them. It is ONLY MC that I've found to handle them improperly.
I made a relatively small sample file (3-4 minutes long) that I can use to reproduce the issue. It's around 200MB. I'm happy to send it to you via a large file transfer system I have at work, if you'd be willing to take a look. I just need an email address to send it to...
One thing I should mention is that these files are actually ".tp" files, which is the extension BTV uses for it's transport stream files. I don't know why it uses the weird extension.
Looks like TS and TP are just different extensions for the same file type (according to Wikipedia and other sources).
The error appears to be file extension related, though... If I rename my TP files to TS, then MC plays them fine and can seek properly. The problem is that I have hundreds and hundreds of them, and renaming them all is impractical (and may break their use in BTV).
Transport Streams of TV Stations are notorious for being non-standards compliant and full of errors etc. I've had some issues in the past with some streams recorded etc. There is a program called TSDoctor. Try running that on them first and seeing if it helps.
No... The files are fine. I'm encoding these myself, not capturing them raw from satellite or whatever.
This is something specific to MC's handling of the files. Like I said, every other player handles them fine (even Windows Media Player). And, even more importantly, if I simply rename the file extension to .ts instead of .tp then they suddenly work fine in MC. So, whatever MC is doing for TS files, it needs to do the same for TP files (which are the same thing).
Wow, that really is weird.
Are the files all HD? I do not have HD source to feed into the HD PVR device, and I tried a few recordings of SD TV (to TS as well as M2TS files). They all work fine.
Yep. They're all HD. I don't use my HD PVR with anything other than my cable box (which is locked to 720p, even for non HD channels).
I'm happy to send you over my 200MB sample file, if it would help. Would your address be yaobing at the expected domain?
Yep. They're all HD. I don't use my HD PVR with anything other than my cable box (which is locked to 720p, even for non HD channels).
I'm happy to send you over my 200MB sample file, if it would help. Would your address be yaobing at the expected domain?
Glynor- you can change filetype extension in a batch using find and replace in "filetype", can't you? Not the perfect solution, but I've done it before in certain scenarios.
Glynor- you can change filetype extension in a batch using find and replace in "filetype", can't you? Not the perfect solution, but I've done it before in certain scenarios.
I don't want to change the file types, as that breaks the database links in BTV. I'd rather just not use MC to play them. That's a crappy forced choice though.
I'm sending the test file now, Yaobing.
EDIT: It is uploading to the system now. When it is done, it'll send you an email with a download link, Yaobing. It'll come from my work email address. Since you don't have an email address @ my company, when you click on the link, it'll have you put in your email address, I believe (or something like that). You don't need an invite or anything like that, if you get confused. This process is so that it can verify that the file was actually sent to you (it is a secure transfer system, so that you can't forward that email to your mom and let her download it, as exciting as that might be for her in this case).
Weird, but it works and I can send files up to 20GB in size "through" email without having to use an FTP server or access to the corporate web server. Pretty slick.
Yep. They're all HD. I don't use my HD PVR with anything other than my cable box (which is locked to 720p, even for non HD channels).
I'm happy to send you over my 200MB sample file, if it would help. Would your address be yaobing at the expected domain?
200 MB will be too large for email attachment, won't it?
See my edit above for an explanation. We have an Accellion Secure File Transfer appliance at my company.
Got it.
The file plays on my computer (XP) without any problem if tray icon is off. The CoreAVC's "Use Tray Icon" option causes MC to be unresponsive after the first command you try. The video continues to play to the end, but MC loses its UI.
Other than that all seems to be fine. CoreAVC 1.9.5.
Got it.
The file plays on my computer (XP) without any problem if tray icon is off. The CoreAVC's "Use Tray Icon" option causes MC to be unresponsive after the first command you try. The video continues to play to the end, but MC loses its UI.
Other than that all seems to be fine. CoreAVC 1.9.5.
On Windows 7 64-bit with CoreAVC 2.0 (which is pretty much required for Win7), it does not, even with the icon disabled.
Interesting... I just tested on Windows Vista 32-bit with CoreAVC 2.0 and it seemed to work perfectly fine.
I just checked a second machine with:
Windows 7 64-bit
Current build of CCCP, FFDSHOW tray icons disabled
CoreAVC 2.0, enabled for 32 and 64 bit via the Win7DSFilterTweaker, tray icon disabled
The video wouldn't play right at all in MC on this machine. The first split second of the video would play (with audio), but after a handful of frames it just freezes. The playhead keeps moving and the timer keeps counting up, MC's UI remains responsive, but both audio and video playback are frozen.
The same exact file:
1. Plays in Media Player Classic HC fine, using CoreAVC for video and FFDSHOW for audio.
2. Plays in Windows Media Player fine, using CoreAVC for video and FFDSHOW for audio.
3. Plays fine in VLC Player (of course).
Also, even more importantly, the same exact file (everything else identical) plays fine in MC if I rename the file to .ts. This really looks like some sort of bug in MC that only impacts 64-bit versions of the OS.
Also, even more importantly, the same exact file (everything else identical) plays fine in MC if I rename the file to .ts. This really looks like some sort of bug in MC that only impacts 64-bit versions of the OS.
This is puzzling. MC treats tp and ts files the same way as they are lumped together in File Types configuration.
Did you select a source filter for these? The only thing I can think of is that the system selects different source filters for tp and ts files, resulting in different behavior.
I have everything set to "Auto" for TS/TP. This could certainly explain it though... Here are my graphs, TP first:
Filter Graph Info:
Filter 'Default DirectSound Device'
CLSID: {79376820-07D0-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
Host: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\quartz.dll
Input Pin 'Audio Input pin (rendered)'
Connected to pin 'Out' of filter 'ffdshow Audio Decoder'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Filter 'Enhanced Video Renderer'
CLSID: {FA10746C-9B63-4B6C-BC49-FC300EA5F256}
Host: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\evr.dll
Input Pin 'EVR Input0'
Connected to pin 'Output' of filter 'CoreAVC Video Decoder'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_NV12, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo2
Input Pin 'EVR Input1'
Filter 'ffdshow Audio Decoder'
CLSID: {0F40E1E5-4F79-4988-B1A9-CC98794E6B55}
Host: C:\Program Files (x86)\Combined Community Codec Pack\Filters\FFDShow\
Output Pin 'Out'
Connected to pin 'Audio Input pin (rendered)' of filter 'Default DirectSound Device'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Input Pin 'In'
Connected to pin 'Output' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Input Pin 'In2'
Filter 'CoreAVC Video Decoder'
CLSID: {09571A4B-F1FE-4C60-9760-DE6D310C7C31}
Host: C:\Program Files (x86)\CoreCodec\CoreAVC Professional Edition\
Input Pin 'Input'
Connected to pin 'Output' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {8D2D71CB-243F-45E3-B2D8-5FD7967EC09B}, Format type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO
Output Pin 'Output'
Connected to pin 'EVR Input0' of filter 'Enhanced Video Renderer'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_NV12, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo2
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
CLSID: {A4207487-E7D8-406B-9882-B66370DE2492}
Input Pin 'Input'
Connected to pin 'Audio Output' of filter 'SnapStream MPEG-2 Demux'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Output Pin 'Output'
Connected to pin 'In' of filter 'ffdshow Audio Decoder'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
CLSID: {A4207487-E7D8-406B-9882-B66370DE2492}
Input Pin 'Input'
Connected to pin 'Video Output' of filter 'SnapStream MPEG-2 Demux'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {8D2D71CB-243F-45E3-B2D8-5FD7967EC09B}, Format type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO
Output Pin 'Output'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'CoreAVC Video Decoder'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {8D2D71CB-243F-45E3-B2D8-5FD7967EC09B}, Format type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO
Filter 'SnapStream MPEG-2 Demux'
CLSID: {B92CEB81-947D-41B5-AB21-B3A094EB3558}
Host: C:\Program Files (x86)\SnapStream Media\Beyond TV Link\MPGDemux.dll
Input Pin 'Input'
Connected to pin 'Output' of filter 'C:\Users\glynor\Desktop\In the Valley of'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Stream Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {935B417C-84A5-4B5F-A33C-EEA2C231C539}, Format type TIME_FORMAT_NONE
Output Pin 'Audio Output'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Output Pin 'Video Output'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {8D2D71CB-243F-45E3-B2D8-5FD7967EC09B}, Format type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO
Filter 'C:\Users\glynor\Desktop\In the Valley of'
CLSID: {64C67906-4E0C-4170-B645-7B0EB83CB28E}
Host: C:\Program Files (x86)\SnapStream Media\Beyond TV Link\SSAsyncNetworkSource.dll
Output Pin 'Output'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'SnapStream MPEG-2 Demux'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Stream Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {935B417C-84A5-4B5F-A33C-EEA2C231C539}, Format type TIME_FORMAT_NONE
Okay, same file, renamed to TS (which makes it magically work):
Filter Graph Info:
Filter 'Default DirectSound Device'
CLSID: {79376820-07D0-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
Host: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\quartz.dll
Input Pin 'Audio Input pin (rendered)'
Connected to pin 'Out' of filter 'ffdshow Audio Decoder'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Filter 'Enhanced Video Renderer'
CLSID: {FA10746C-9B63-4B6C-BC49-FC300EA5F256}
Host: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\evr.dll
Input Pin 'EVR Input0'
Connected to pin 'Output' of filter 'CoreAVC Video Decoder'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_NV12, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo2
Input Pin 'EVR Input1'
Filter 'ffdshow Audio Decoder'
CLSID: {0F40E1E5-4F79-4988-B1A9-CC98794E6B55}
Host: C:\Program Files (x86)\Combined Community Codec Pack\Filters\FFDShow\
Output Pin 'Out'
Connected to pin 'Audio Input pin (rendered)' of filter 'Default DirectSound Device'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Input Pin 'In'
Connected to pin 'Output' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Input Pin 'In2'
Filter 'CoreAVC Video Decoder'
CLSID: {09571A4B-F1FE-4C60-9760-DE6D310C7C31}
Host: C:\Program Files (x86)\CoreCodec\CoreAVC Professional Edition\
Input Pin 'Input'
Connected to pin 'Output' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {31564343-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO
Output Pin 'Output'
Connected to pin 'EVR Input0' of filter 'Enhanced Video Renderer'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_NV12, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo2
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
CLSID: {A4207487-E7D8-406B-9882-B66370DE2492}
Input Pin 'Input'
Connected to pin 'Audio' of filter 'C:\Users\glynor\Desktop\In the Valley of Elah-2010-01-24-1.ts'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Output Pin 'Output'
Connected to pin 'In' of filter 'ffdshow Audio Decoder'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
CLSID: {A4207487-E7D8-406B-9882-B66370DE2492}
Input Pin 'Input'
Connected to pin 'Video' of filter 'C:\Users\glynor\Desktop\In the Valley of Elah-2010-01-24-1.ts'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {31564343-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO
Output Pin 'Output'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'CoreAVC Video Decoder'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {31564343-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO
Filter 'C:\Users\glynor\Desktop\In the Valley of Elah-2010-01-24-1.ts'
CLSID: {55DA30FC-F16B-49FC-BAA5-AE59FC65F82D}
Host: C:\Program Files (x86)\Haali\MatroskaSplitter\
Output Pin 'Video'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {31564343-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO
Output Pin 'Audio'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
That was it!! Stupid Snapstream SSAsyncNetworkSource.dll (or maybe the MPGDemux.dll filter that it passes it to) was getting in the way. I set it to use Haali as the source filter explicitly in MC's options and the problem went away immediately.
Odd that playback worked fine even in Windows Media Player. I can see the people in the MPC-HC project specially coding around the Snapstream filter, but not Microsoft. Perhaps the Snapstream filter itself tries to avoid messing up playback by looking for specific players, but doesn't know about MC?
Either way... SOLVED.
PS. No surprise there at all, since all three of the 64-bit machines I tested with (but not the 32-bit Vista box) had either BeyondTV or BeyondTV Link installed.
It's fun just to watch. Thanks, Ed.
It's fun just to watch. Thanks, Ed.
No. Thanks, Yaobing! I wasn't even thinking along those lines. I assumed the system filter chain must be identical since WiMP handled it fine.
No. Thanks, Yaobing!
Indeed. Yaobing is the zen master.