More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: BrianD on January 22, 2010, 05:50:27 am
Is there a way to edit the Media SubType field to add more items. I want to use this field to categorise different types of Audio, Video & Images. e.g. Media Type: Audio, Media SubType: Podcast, AudioBook, Music. "Music" doesn't exist in the available options so I would like to add it but the field is not editable.
Is there a way to edit the Media SubType field to add more items.
There are some work arounds that people have come up with, around the forums. Personally, I use a custom field [Media Sub-Type (user)] and then another custom field that I call [Media Categories] that uses the ListCombine() function to combine the default Media Sub-Type field with my custom one. It takes some extra effort, but this works for my needs.
This is an often requested feature. After bringing it up every few months, we just let it slide again. In time you will learn to do the same. Or, it could be changed in a build one of these days. My bet is on the former.
There are some work arounds that people have come up with, around the forums. Personally, I use a custom field [Media Sub-Type (user)] and then another custom field that I call [Media Categories] that uses the ListCombine() function to combine the default Media Sub-Type field with my custom one. It takes some extra effort, but this works for my needs.
Would you go into a little bit more detail about your solution Thank you.
currently I am also useing a custom field [my media sub type] for the things I need to do with audiobooks, being able to combine the 2 might stream line things for me.
Would you go into a little bit more detail about your solution Thank you.
For my [Media Categories] combined field I created a custom field with Calculated Data checked, and then the following expression:
=listcombine([Media Sub Type], [Media Sub Type (user)])&datatype=You would substitute your custom field name for
[Media Sub Type (user)] and then you'll be good to go. Generally the only field that I edit here is the [Media Sub Type (user)] field, and just let MC use [Media Sub Type] to fill in automatically for things like podcasts, etc.
As an FYI, there's a bunch of good info on the expression language here: (
It's pretty helpful for some things...
Hope this helped!
This is an often requested feature. After bringing it up every few months, we just let it slide again. In time you will learn to do the same. Or, it could be changed in a build one of these days. My bet is on the former.
Ha ha ha ha! Good answer. ;D