More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: gappie on January 24, 2010, 01:01:49 pm
im a bit fighting with playback of .mov files.
when i set the playback to automatic i get images but no sounds
when i set the playback to j river video engine/direct X i get nothing (played around with haali without succes so far), i have cccp installed.
when set to qt (i have alternative installed) i get sound and images but sound control from mc does not work.
i would prefer to use direct x, is there a way to do that using cccp.
thanks for any help
these files are from my lumix camera.
when i open them in mpc they play fine and everything works 'out of the box'.
this is build 130 btw.
You've probably been here:
If you have QT Alternative, I don't think you set playback to QT.
You've probably been here:
If you have QT Alternative, I don't think you set playback to QT.
yes i did, on both. mc does choose qt when on automatic though. but when i set it, it still does not help, there is sound but soundcontrol does not work, the sound icon says mute is on and cant be switched off, but there is sound, the control bar is flickering badly, as if i set a wrong video renderer, but i can not set that when using qt. and , as i said, mpc using the same qt codec/settings plays it fine, with sound control.
i would rather not use qt, for some reasons, but when it is the only way its fine with me.
MC plays my HD MOV files just fine.
I do not use Quicktime. I get terrible stuttering with Quicktime.
This is how I have it setup.
Playback Method: JRiver video engine (using DirectShow filters)
Source Filter: Automatic
Other Filters: CoreAVC Video Decoder; JRiver Bitrate Monitor filter
Video Renderer: Automatic
Note: I do not get .mov thumbnails in MC with this configuration. To get thumbnails I change the playback method to Quicktime, rebuild my thumbnails, and switch the Playback Method back.
I cannot get .mov thumbnails in explorer. Any suggestions welcome. (I have a Vista PC).
thank you, randy.
ill buy coreavc then. was always curious about that soo..
cant help with the thumbnails in explorer. mine have a qt thumb. im on xp
Mov files are strange. I guess it depend on which codecs are actually in the mov files. On XP and earlier systems, Microsoft provided a DirectShow filter called Quicktime Movie Parser. That and FFDShow video decoder play my mov files (from a digital camera). This parser filter was removed from Vista and later systems. I can not play the same mov files in DirectShow on my Vista machine.
Can you check which filters are actually loaded during playback and post the graph info?
ill buy coreavc then. was always curious about that soo...
I don't think CoreAVC is anyhow more capable than ffdshow in playing various formats. It can decode only H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, which is supported also in ffdshow.
CoreAVC uses less CPU, though, and that's the reason to buy it. For instance, I can play 720p H.264 video files on an old Athlon XP 3200+. It stutters when I try to play the same files using the ffdshow decoder.
You said you have a Lumix camera. What is the exact model? Could you upload a small sample video to some file sharing site? Or perhaps the camera has been reviewed by a camera review site and a sample video is already available.
Can you check which filters are actually loaded during playback and post the graph info?
Filter Graph Info:
Filter 'Default DirectSound Device'
CLSID: {79376820-07D0-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
Host: quartz.dll
Input Pin 'Audio Input pin (rendered)'
Connected to pin 'XForm Out' of filter 'DSP Studio Filter'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Filter 'Enhanced Video Renderer'
CLSID: {FA10746C-9B63-4B6C-BC49-FC300EA5F256}
Host: C:\Windows\system32\evr.dll
Input Pin 'EVR Input0'
Connected to pin 'XForm Out' of filter 'Color Space Converter'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo
Input Pin 'EVR Input1'
Filter 'DSP Studio Filter'
CLSID: {5AD92EC4-4A7F-4181-AB01-9DC79C4A4EC5}
Input Pin 'XForm In'
Connected to pin 'Output' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Output Pin 'XForm Out'
Connected to pin 'Audio Input pin (rendered)' of filter 'Default DirectSound Device'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Filter 'Color Space Converter'
CLSID: {1643E180-90F5-11CE-97D5-00AA0055595A}
Host: quartz.dll
Input Pin 'Input'
Connected to pin 'Output' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo
Output Pin 'XForm Out'
Connected to pin 'EVR Input0' of filter 'Enhanced Video Renderer'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
CLSID: {A4207487-E7D8-406B-9882-B66370DE2492}
Input Pin 'Input'
Connected to pin 'Audio Output' of filter 'C:\My Document Folder\My Pictures\LA Zoo\2009-12-27\MVI_0017.MOV'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Output Pin 'Output'
Connected to pin 'XForm In' of filter 'DSP Studio Filter'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
CLSID: {A4207487-E7D8-406B-9882-B66370DE2492}
Input Pin 'Input'
Connected to pin 'Video Output' of filter 'C:\My Document Folder\My Pictures\LA Zoo\2009-12-27\MVI_0017.MOV'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo
Output Pin 'Output'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'Color Space Converter'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo
Filter 'C:\My Document Folder\My Pictures\LA Zoo\2009-12-27\MVI_0017.MOV'
CLSID: {E41C6AFE-738D-4A56-957C-C352F41B3275}
Host: C:\Program Files\CyberLink\Shared Files\
Output Pin 'Video Output'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo
Output Pin 'Audio Output'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
I don't think CoreAVC is anyhow more capable than ffdshow in playing various formats. It can decode only H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, which is supported also in ffdshow.
CoreAVC uses less CPU, though, and that's the reason to buy it. For instance, I can play 720p H.264 video files on an old Athlon XP 3200+. It stutters when I try to play the same files using the ffdshow decoder.
You said you have a Lumix camera. What is the exact model? Could you upload a small sample video to some file sharing site? Or perhaps the camera has been reviewed by a camera review site and a sample video is already available.
i ordered coreavc, guess it is not a bad 'investment' anyway.. ;)
my camera is a panasonic lumix DMC-fs7.
i just uploaded a zip with a 16 seconds mov (hope its not to short). it starts dark.. my wife experimenting with the recording function in a cafe...
hope the clip makes sence..
:-[forgot the link:
Setting CoreAVC as the decoder for ALL MOV files will break some MOV playback. A MOV file is just a container, like MP4 or AVI. It can contain lots of different types of video inside.
In fact, your file Gab does NOT contain AVC/H264 video, so CoreAVC won't help at all. Your video is M-JPEG compressed.
I'm working on it. There will be a way to play it via DirectShow. I just don't know how quite yet.
Setting CoreAVC as the decoder for ALL MOV files will break some MOV playback. A MOV file is just a container, like MP4 or AVI. It can contain lots of different types of video inside.
In fact, your file Gab does NOT contain AVC/H264 video, so CoreAVC won't help at all. Your video is M-JPEG compressed.
I'm working on it. There will be a way to play it via DirectShow. I just don't know how quite yet.
thanks glynor.. i like that: motion jpegs.. thats what they are for me anyway...
thanks for all the help.. everyone in this thread...
apparently there is this morgan codec pack.. feels a bit like a last try..
would be nice in cccp could do it. set mjpeg in ffdshow to libavcodec as suggested in this doom9 thread..
but somehow i always seem to lost my way in codec land..
will get it somehow someway to work.. :P
Furthermore, Randy's graph shows that CoreAVC was not even used in the graph. The crucial piece of filter in his graph is Cyberlink Quicktime Source filter, which not only parsed the file, but also took care of decoding.
Damn, that's spooky. Was reading through today's posts on this thread and I see mention of M-JPeg. I was just looking at that today at work. Some security cameras (lots) use that format and I saw the Morgan codec for the first time. I was all set to layoff that hard earned tidbit and you beat me to the punch.... :)
Anyhow, if you need more information on the format, there is lots of stuff in the security camera niche...
Furthermore, Randy's graph shows that CoreAVC was not even used in the graph. The crucial piece of filter in his graph is Cyberlink Quicktime Source filter, which not only parsed the file, but also took care of decoding.
I heard someone else used CoreAVC to make the mov files play, and the only setting I could find that referred to CoreAVC was under other filters. So I assumed that was my fix.
Playback Method: JRiver video engine (using DirectShow filters)
Source Filter: Automatic
Other Filters: CoreAVC Video Decoder; JRiver Bitrate Monitor filter
Video Renderer: Automatic
As it turns out, it must be the automatic setting for source filter that selects Cyberlink Quicktime Source filter that made it work.
Sorry gab if I cost you $7.95.
CoreAVC is worth the $7.95 in my opinion.
I don't think your problem is the codec decoding filter ("other" filter in MC). I think it is the splitter filter. MPC-HC plays the files back for me fine here. MC cannot if I set it to DirectShow mode. I have "real" Quicktime installed though, not QT-Lite.
**, that's spooky. Was reading through today's posts on this thread and I see mention of M-JPeg. I was just looking at that today at work. Some security cameras (lots) use that format and I saw the Morgan codec for the first time. I was all set to layoff that hard earned tidbit and you beat me to the punch.... :)
Anyhow, if you need more information on the format, there is lots of stuff in the security camera niche...
i tried the morgan codec today.. did not get far because of the mov container. searched a bit around, but it did get to complicated for me. also had the arcsoftware with all its codecs laying around, it came with the camera. a well...
im just happy that cars are not like videoos. would be undoable all those different tanks at a gas station.
i have something that works a bit.. guess that will be it for now... thanks again to all.. learned a lot again.
I got an answer for you, Gab. Kinda....
A company called Medialooks has a QuickTime DirectShow Source filter. It is free and it is available here:
Obnoxiously, they do require you to "register" before you can download the filter. However, since they give you immediate access (you don't need to "check you email" to verify anything), you can lie with all of your answers to their registration questions.
You do need to have either Quicktime official or QT Lite installed for this to work. You already said you had QT Light (aka Quicktime Alternative) though, so you should be good. I tested it with your file just now and it works perfectly. You just set MC's playback mode for Quicktime files to DirectShow, and then select the new Medialooks QT Source as your Source Filter. You can leave Other Filters set to blank (JRiver bitrate only) and it should auto-select the appropriate codec decoder.
However, the reason I said "kinda" though is this...
Currently the QuickTime Plugin will work with Windows Media Player, Winamp, BS.Player, Media Player Classic, KM Player and Zoom Player. For other applications a MediaLooks logo will be displayed. We are open to adding support to other, preferrably (sic) non-commercial, applications by request (please contact us).
I checked it. It works, but it does display their logo, which sucks. I looked in the options, but there is no way to turn it off. According to the quote above, JRiver could possibly contact them and get them to "support" MC, and then there wouldn't be a logo. However, they say "preferably non-commercial", so who knows what they want out of the deal. I looked, and there doesn't seem to be a way to pay for it or anything and remove the logo (which is odd).
thanks a lot glynor. this works indeed. very nice... except for that logo ofcource. maybe as a user of a commercial product one can also ask to add support. :)
im not to keen on pasting mail info in a forum, but since that medialook plug works nicely, and is , ofcource interesting as it puts the files into the directx domain, with all the extra that gives ;), and the mails are not like 'personal'.. here part of my mail exchange with medialook, because as a user only, its a bit much... ;)
hello, i want to thank you for the quicktime plugin. im using it succesfully with j. river media center and, altough im just a user, i would like to ask if it would be possible to add j. river to the list of supperted players and remove the medialooks logo when playing. or is there an other way a user can get 'a full working version'.
Hello Gab,
thank you for your mail.
In order to activate your copy of the filter you can purchase a license assigned to the .exe of your player.
Please find the license pricing info below, I also pasted a link to an FAQ explaining the license formula:
Quicktime DirectShow Source Filter single application license: 750,00 Euro
Important: the license for the filter is not limited in time and also does not limit the number of copies you redistribute redistribute (royalty-free). Also, 1 year of full suppport and updates is included- after one year you can prolong that subscription for 50% of the full price.
We can issue the license immediately upon receiving your payment, for this we send license files to your emailaddress that unlock the software.
Ha ha ha... So that IS their deal. They're trying to sell it as a technology to developers, not directly to end-users.
yes :)... redistributable software. and not even that bad a price , i guess. 750 euros timelless, etc.. that is what the other players payed also? zoom and windows? guess when i find 100 people to pay me 10$ i could buy it and get drunk 1 night in the pub, and mc would be on the list... ;D
nah.. no change.
Ha ha! I would like to be there.
The price isn't unreasonable.