More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: RainCaster on February 09, 2010, 06:47:22 pm

Title: Newby needs some <search> and <playlist> help
Post by: RainCaster on February 09, 2010, 06:47:22 pm
OK- I am completely puzzled as to why I can't do this-

I want to search for a song by <title contains blah> but I just can't figure out how...

Also, MC seems to organize by AlbumArtist, and not by SongArtist. How can I ask it to search for all songs by an artist, even when that artist appears on a compilation CD?

Oh- I can create new playlists and all is well- until I exit. Then they are gone for good. How can I get them to persist?

Here's my setup-
MC 14.130 client- connected to a MC DLNA server. (also v14.130)
Vista Ultimate 64 SP2- all the latest updates
AMD Phenom 9550, 5G RAM

Title: Re: Newby needs some <search> and <playlist> help
Post by: marko on February 10, 2010, 01:34:10 am
Morning RainCaster,

Search Help:
For "<title contains blah>" enter the following into the search field: [name]=blah

For songs by any artists, enter the following into the search field: ar="artist name"

For more help with search terms and possibilities, check out this page ( on the wiki.

The playlist thing will have to pass on to someone else as I've zero experience with DNLA server/client relationships.

Title: Re: Newby needs some <search> and <playlist> help
Post by: RainCaster on February 10, 2010, 09:23:46 am
Thanks Marko- this is a good start for me.
Title: Re: Newby needs some <search> and <playlist> help
Post by: lise on February 10, 2010, 09:33:13 am
It is no doubt indicated in the links posted by Marko, but a quick tip: make sure that Audio is selected in the tree when doing a search. By default, search only searches whatever you currently have selected in the tree. So if you are Playing Now or in PLaylists, the search will only search there.
Title: Re: Newby needs some <search> and <playlist> help
Post by: 221bBS on February 10, 2010, 09:38:44 am
MC seems to organize by AlbumArtist, and not by SongArtist.

You can have MC organize your stuff any way you like. Just modify the view you want changed or create a new view.