More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: Davva on February 23, 2010, 01:33:15 pm
Hi just downloaded this Jukebox and find it very useful. I used to use WinAmp and MusicMatch Jukebox which of which the latter was the best. Anyway my question is how can I Keep the playing now box open in the action window so I can see my playlist and still be in the Audio window - Make sense?
When I close the program and then open again it goes back to its original view, the look I am after is if you right click on playing now it gives the option to edit playing now in action window - I want to keep this this way, any ideas/
Consider using a split view instead of the action window. It seems to me it will fulfil all the same functions, is easier to use and will stay there between sessions.
- beat me to it
When I close the program and then open again it goes back to its original view, the look I am after is if you right click on playing now it gives the option to edit playing now in action window - I want to keep this this way, any ideas
Sorry that is the only way to do it but there is another way to have the Playing Now window open all the time.
1) Tools > Options > Startup > Startup Location
change the "Location" to "Last Location"
2) View > Split View > Show 2 Views
This should split MC into 3 parts...
1) tree & action window
2) view 1
3) view 2
If you don't see the 2nd view look to the right edge of MC and look for 2 triangles. Clink the bottom triangle, this should make the view pop out. If it doesn't drag the mouse to the triangle until you see <-->. Now click and drag the view out.
You should also try the tab option in View > Split View
Thanks for the advice only with being a new user I am not sure how to use "Split View" and when I tried the startup as exit in the settings it didn't work either?
sorry for not replying to you earlier but I miss you call for help. Do you still need help setting up a split view?
Sorry, but there's no way to save the Action Window state between program runs.