More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: gvanbrunt on February 27, 2010, 07:17:31 pm
I'm having a strange issue with DLNA. On the server I have it running and have selected "Support Video Content" and "Support Image Content". However from a client PC I only have udio come up. Neither the Video nor Images appears in the tree.
I've seen this since the DLNA "annoucment" and figured it was just a glitch that would be worked out. That hasn't happened so I'm believe it is something I'm doing wrong. Both systems are at 151. Library Server works just fine.
Any ideas?
Sorry have to bump this. Still having the issue and cannot find a cause.
I'm getting this from two different Win 7 computers. Only Audio shows up. To narrow it down I created a blank library and only imported a couple of images. On the client when I try to connect it says "There was a problem trying to load the library from the selected DLNA server". If I add a few audio files to the library then connect it works, but as before, no images or video...
This is really strange. I'm using 14.0.151. Any ideas?
Build 158 is at the top of this board. It's worth a try.
Sorry have to bump this. Still having the issue and cannot find a cause.
I'm getting this from two different Win 7 computers. Only Audio shows up. To narrow it down I created a blank library and only imported a couple of images. On the client when I try to connect it says "There was a problem trying to load the library from the selected DLNA server". If I add a few audio files to the library then connect it works, but as before, no images or video...
This is really strange. I'm using 14.0.151. Any ideas?
Have you changed your MC view schemes from the default (Audio, Images, Video)? If so, check out the customize views in the DLNA options.
I thought views as well, that why I started with a blank library and only imported a few audio files and images files to test. I also tested with MC 15, with no success.
This is driving me nuts, I'm certianly no newb to MC or computers (I'm and IT Manager), but I can't seem to get it to work. What the heck is it about my setups that don't allow it to work? Very weird. I could understand nothing working, but audio does, and without issues at that.
I can install 158, but I doubt it's going to fix anything as this issues has been plauging me since DLNA was announced. I figured it would be discovered by a few people and fixed. That hasn't happened... It has to be something specific to my setup. Any other ideas?
K, how is this for strange. I can browse Video and Images from plug player on my iphone. It is the MC client that has the issue... What could cause it to not show images/video? The headings are missing entierly from the tree.
Oh, I understand now. You are using the MC client PC and selecting the server under File->Library. You are not nuts, there isn't support for images and video there yet.
Then how are others using DLNA video streaming?
K, scratch that. I've been looking through the forums and it seems that only the renderer and controller functions are mentioned as implemented. I thought the renderer required that the player be implemented? Am I wrong about that?