More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: krazykiwiboy on March 20, 2010, 03:42:23 pm
I have been mucking around with customising views.
I want to customise the lower pain to group by Album and sort by track number.
I can see how this is supposed to work, but for some reason I cant get it to.
In the Customise View Screen I have ...
Select Location to change
View As
Group By
ALBUM (by date)
Sort By
CUSTOM (Track #)
Any ideas why this isn't working?
It works for me. How exactly is it not working? What do you see?
The bottom pane is grouped by album OK, but the tracks are sorted alphabetically.
Once I click in the bottom pane I can then click the column header and choose to "Sort inside group by track #" but that is only temporary.
Actually perhaps I'm not explaining things exactly.
From the library view "Audio" - Icons are listed in the top pane by Artist alphabetically.
In the bottom pane, tracks are grouped by album and in the correct track order.
If I double click on an artist icon in the top pane, I get that artists albums in the top pane, listed by date but the bottom pane is now sorted by track name.
Here's where I've been selecting customise view etc and it wont change anything.
No ... when I double click the artist the bottom pane is still sorted by track name.
Go to Customize View, on the right hand side under options, click Advanced. Click Set rules for file display.
In the new window look at the bottom. Under Modify Results, check to see if the Sort by field is Track # (a-z).
If there is no Sort by field add it using the Add button.
If this does not help please provide a screen shot of the Customize View window and the Set rules for file display window.
I looked at this too but couldn't figure it out.
It's set to "name" ... I've tried to change it to anything else, or delete that completely, but when I close and reopen the Customise View Dialog box it's back as "name" again.
It's like that's being overruled somewhere else or something.
I've figured out I can select all the tracks in the bottom pane and right click and select "Fill Track Numbers From List Order" and this album will then stay sorted by track number.
I could do that to my entire library I guess, but when I import something new it will default back to "name"
OK - well Somehow I've fixed it, by resetting all views back to their defaults and starting from scratch with a new view again.
Thanks for your help - If I have any more trouble I'll let you know!
Be aware of the Use parent scheme rule for file display setting. That can cause unexpected results if it's not what you want.