More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: analogfan on March 24, 2010, 04:24:25 pm
I and did not manage to force to work MC14&MC15 with VC-1 in mkv container when by the decoder it is used in Win7 "WMVideo Decoder DMO" (this built in in Win7 decoder and the best on quality and compatibility). Does not help neither change splitter nor other options. The program with inscription "Opening..." and shows nothing. It is an error or it can be corrected somehow? With VC-1 decoder in Ffdshow works normally but it is worse on quality and less compatible...
I'm sure we've seen this one before, although I can't find the thread at the minute. Sometime around when the chapter support was added IIRC :)
Try selecting the 'Simple Haali Splitter', and see if this will work, as this was the workaround last-time around.
Second thing to try is definitely an alternative decoder- I'm using CoreAVC for VC1, and I'm not seeing any issues at the minute. Obviously this isn't the best solution, but we need to narrow the problem down to something specific.
Hi Leezer - I could be wrong but CoreAVC does not support VC-1 (eg it does AVC / x264 stuff).
With (EDIT) ***VC-1*** you going to be using MS DMO filter or FFDSHOW. I use FFDSHOW but change the Decoder from libacvodec to wmv9 as it is the only one that works with Interlaced VC-1 material and IMHO looks pretty good
Copy of the filter info if that helps
Filter Graph Info:
Filter 'Default DirectSound Device'
CLSID: {79376820-07D0-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
Host: c:\windows\syswow64\quartz.dll
Input Pin 'Audio Input pin (rendered)'
Connected to pin 'Out' of filter 'ffdshow Audio Decoder'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Filter 'Haali Video Renderer'
CLSID: {760A8F35-97E7-479D-AAF5-DA9EFF95D751}
Host: c:\program files (x86)\haali\matroskasplitter\dxr.dll
Input Pin 'Input'
Connected to pin 'Out' of filter 'ffdshow subtitles filter'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo2
Input Pin 'Subtitle'
Filter 'ffdshow subtitles filter'
CLSID: {DBF9000E-F08C-4858-B769-C914A0FBB1D7}
Host: c:\program files (x86)\ffdshow\
Input Pin 'In'
Connected to pin 'Out' of filter 'ffdshow Video Decoder'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_YV12, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo2
Output Pin 'Out'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'Haali Video Renderer'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo2
Input Pin 'In Text'
Filter 'ffdshow Audio Decoder'
CLSID: {0F40E1E5-4F79-4988-B1A9-CC98794E6B55}
Host: c:\program files (x86)\ffdshow\
Output Pin 'Out'
Connected to pin 'Audio Input pin (rendered)' of filter 'Default DirectSound Device'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Input Pin 'In'
Connected to pin 'Audio' of filter '\\RUMPUS\Media5\Video\EaglesAllAudio.mkv'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {00002001-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Filter 'ffdshow Video Decoder'
CLSID: {04FE9017-F873-410E-871E-AB91661A4EF7}
Host: c:\program files (x86)\ffdshow\
Input Pin 'In'
Connected to pin 'Video' of filter '\\RUMPUS\Media5\Video\EaglesAllAudio.mkv'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {31435657-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo2
Output Pin 'Out'
Connected to pin 'In' of filter 'ffdshow subtitles filter'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_YV12, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo2
Input Pin 'In Text'
Filter '\\RUMPUS\Media5\Video\EaglesAllAudio.mkv'
CLSID: {55DA30FC-F16B-49FC-BAA5-AE59FC65F82D}
Host: c:\program files (x86)\haali\matroskasplitter\
Output Pin 'Video'
Connected to pin 'In' of filter 'ffdshow Video Decoder'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {31435657-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo2
Output Pin 'Audio'
Connected to pin 'In' of filter 'ffdshow Audio Decoder'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {00002001-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
You're entirely right, I hate decoders :-X
Still, not seeing any issues here, with FFDShow :D
My point about trying an alternative decoder still stands though!
Another quick thought- Are you 32-bit or 64-bit Windows? Both boxes I have here are 64-bit if that makes any difference.
And all the same, it would be desirable,that decoder VC-1 from MS worked as it best on quality and compatibility. With other programs "WMVideo Decoder DMO" works perfectly, and with MC14&MC15 does not work - probably, because of an error in MC14&MC15 . It would be desirable corrections of this error.
MC can use the Windows Media playback engine if you wish. It's set in the same place you can choose filters for a file type.
MC can use the Windows Media playback engine if you wish. It's set in the same place you can choose filters for a file type.
'Windows Media playback engine ' also does not work on files with VC-1 codec, but works on all the others. Here problem in MC14&MC15 program - VC-1 works only with ffdshow decoder...
'Windows Media playback engine ' also does not work on files with VC-1 codec, but works on all the others. Here problem in MC14&MC15 program - VC-1 works only with ffdshow decoder...
But isn't the WMV9 option in FFDSHOW just calling the MS DMO Filter anyway?
Has forgotten to tell still (probably it will help developers) that mkv files with VC-1 Interlaced (usually it is concerts) work in MC14&MC15 together with "WMVideo Decoder DMO" decoder. Are not reproduced only mkv files with VC-1 progressive a video stream (usually it is films)