More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: Rakowski on March 27, 2010, 10:56:24 am
How I can filter Auto-Imported files to library? I mean, I want to exclude files with "*_badfile.flac" mask. How I can do it?
I noticed Ignore specific file (folder.jpg etc.), but where I can setup this kind of filter?
This is very important, when you have both types of CDs in library: image.flac + cue, and separate tracks.flac. In this common situation, when I choose .cue and .flac, i have duplicated CDs ripped into image.flac+cue.
nobody ? ?
Just import cue, and not flac in this case.
Or import, then delete what you don't want. One option is to remove the deletion from the library, but not delete the file itself.
As Jim says, or, looking at it a different way...
If you've gone to the trouble to keep bad and duplicate files, why would you not want to import them into your media manager so you you can manage them? Configure views to display what you want to see. A "normal" music view would exclude files ending in "badfile," while a specialize maintenance view would show all bad files along with any good versions of the same thing. You might use such a view to determine what needs to be re-ripped, and what "badfiles" can be safely deleted. Where you have duplicated CD's, you might want to stack the two types, or create separate views to display one or the other.
Just import cue, and not flac in this case.
But, I have one folder, and many albums in image format, many albums in separate tracks format in it :(
Or import, then delete what you don't want. One option is to remove the deletion from the library, but not delete the file itself.
This is quite hard manual work :( I figure out possibly one similiar solution - all image+cue images rename to something different that .flac, and then import only .cues. But again - renaming all that images and editing all that cues... i believe there is better (lazy) way how to configure library view...
In fact, I have .cue files to albums with separate files too - named with _cuefile suffix (for burning). But unfortunatelly jriver does not support this format, it plays only first track..
REM COMMENT ExactAudioCopy v0.99pb4
TITLE "High Voltage"
FILE "01 - It's A Long Way To The Top.flac" WAVE
TITLE "It's A Long Way To The Top"
ISRC USEW17500002
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "02 - Rock 'N' Roll Singer.flac" WAVE
TITLE "Rock 'N' Roll Singer"
ISRC AUAP07600007
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "03 - The Jack.flac" WAVE
TITLE "The Jack"
ISRC AUAP07600008
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "04 - Live Wire.flac" WAVE
TITLE "Live Wire"
ISRC AUAP07600009
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "05 - T.N.T..flac" WAVE
ISRC AUAP07600012
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "06 - Can I Sit Next To You Girl.flac" WAVE
TITLE "Can I Sit Next To You Girl"
ISRC AUAP07600014
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "07 - Little Lover.flac" WAVE
TITLE "Little Lover"
ISRC AUAP07500005
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "08 - She's Got Balls.flac" WAVE
TITLE "She's Got Balls"
ISRC AUAP07500004
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "09 - High Voltage.flac" WAVE
TITLE "High Voltage"
ISRC AUAP07600013
INDEX 01 00:00:00
Just to be clear, I dont want to re-rip anything.. I dont have physically CD duplicites. When i import *.cue + *.flac, I have duplicities only because
- image+cue - jriver show one album from cue (right one) + one duplicity album from image.flac
- separate tracks - jriver show one album from tracks (right one) + one duplicity album from cue
If you've gone to the trouble to keep bad and duplicate files, why would you not want to import them into your media manager so you you can manage them? Configure views to display what you want to see. A "normal" music view would exclude files ending in "badfile," while a specialize maintenance view would show all bad files along with any good versions of the same thing. You might use such a view to determine what needs to be re-ripped, and what "badfiles" can be safely deleted. Where you have duplicated CD's, you might want to stack the two types, or create separate views to display one or the other.
Thats looks like something what i search (but i was thinking this can be done in lowest level - importing). Anyway, I was trying do something with scripting/smartlist but no success yet.
Can I simply deny showing albums, generated from files *_cuefile.* for example? This would definitivelly solve my problem i think... I had this suffix in all files, which are supporting for creating album, not for loading like file to library...
Can I simply deny showing albums, generated from files *_cuefile.* for example?
Yes. In the Rules for file display for the view (under "Advanced"), add Filename (name) does not contain "_cuefile".
I had this suffix in all files, which are supporting for creating album, not for loading like file to library.
I'm suggesting you take a broader view of what a "library" is. There's no need to exclude such things that are integral to the physical maintenance of your collection.
Thank You for good direction. I will try figure it out with rules / view. Now I have one more obstruction: Filename always pointing at source (.flac) filename even when .cue is used, so I must figure how to get .cue filename string to rule ..
(([Filename]="_cuefile" and [Filename]=";") or -[Filename]="_cuefile")
do the trick :)
I found one bug, maybe? When I use image+cue, Library doesnt load GENRE and DATE tags from cuesheet... Song Name, Band Name and track numbers are fine...