Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: gappie on April 27, 2010, 08:04:35 am
still a lot to do, but wanted to try something new..
skinning is fun
Funny XD
Btw what is this view at the right?
thanks.. my wife only said 'mmm.. interesting' when she opened the program and did not blink an eye. ah well :)
Btw what is this view at the right?
that is playing now, locked.. guess a lot of people do that nowadays, the locking i mean... the last two versions that is. very handy for adding or removing tracks from playing now.
Looks neat, but what happens to the tree when you open the tag window? (a full one one that goes 50 / 50 with the tree for space)
I attempted something along these lines a while back, but quickly gave it up as a bad idea when the full tag window squished the tree background image, making it look horrible. I was unable to work around it, not with margins nor matrix drawing...
Did you solve this little problem? and if yes, care to share? :)
it was also not my first experiment. i dont have a trick. the funny thing about the tree is that with the action window closed (or as the tree popup in coverview) it looks more like a lime tree, with the tag window open 50/50 its more like a oak. it is possible to make it look bad, like when you pull the tree over to the far right site, but in normal use it seems to hold up well.
Ahh, ok. Will be interesting to test a release version.
Those player buttons are cooler than a cool a thing!! Nice work there.
I've not had a new skin idea in ages, but then I've been a little distracted with my new camera and Lightroom. I swear as I get older, learning curves get steeper :(
Interesting skin Gappie, any idea when you will post one for download?
I've been a little distracted with my new camera and Lightroom.
Wow. back to the future!
I sure miss film and I haven't been in a darkroom since 1972. Now that was photography.
Interesting skin Gappie, any idea when you will post one for download?
dont know yet. today i made the birds fly, added some lightning and turned the day turn night. small things that take me some hours.. :) guess somewhere next week ..
... today i made the birds fly, added some lightning and turned the day turn night ...
and on the 7th day gappie rested.
and on the 7th day gappie rested.
that gives some ideas for a name too. although, its not an apple tree.
Is there a way to customize my panes view to show playing now on the right like you did? I tried customizing the views but couldn't reproduce this.
Is there a way to customize my panes view to show playing now on the right like you did? I tried customizing the views but couldn't reproduce this.
of course there is way.. not sure where you lost the way.. so here is what i think is important to get there.
in option>general>features make sure that split view is enabled
in options>start up>start up interface set location to 'last location'.
now go to view>split view, and set it to 2 views.
make sure you put playing now in the second view.
go to views again and lock the second view.
does that help or did i miss the bottle neck.
That did it. I was trying to accomplish this in customize view instead of realizing that I could do this with split views. Not thinking to clearly as my 8 month old daughter has an ear infection and has not allowed us to sleep in the last day. Thanks for your help. And by the way, I love the skin.
Hi Gappie in the preview it seems that the skin is growing good job^^
thanks kurushi. yes. im enjoying it. enough has changed already again. some small thing left that are puzzling me. 8)
Lol i haven't noticed the buzzy bee for the seek bar I LOVE IT :D
So how do I get my hands on this skin? I don't see it under plug in manager and no link in this post. Please can I play too?
gappie haven't released it yet he need to polish it before to release.
I see. I thought even though it was not released, it was released somewhere for testing.
No biggy. I will patiently await it's arrival!
thanks for the interest... im still playing around. trying different icons and stuff. 8)
but when someone wants to take a look... its here:
download the zip file and move the folder inside the zip to the J River\Media Center 15\Skins\ folder
i call it 'summer heat'
Thx Gappie for sharing.
Nice job with the Cover view icon! 8)
I 'll test it i haven't so much time now.
Gappie i have set the 2 split view like you have say in you're earlier post but when i restart MC only one view appear.An idea for to save my changes?
My mind it's ok now:)
Thank you for sharing! I will play!
Got the new skin to work. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us.
I can not wait for my Acer Aspire 9810 to come back from Acer Repairs, to see how it will look on a 20.1 inch screen.
I hope to also test the whole JR suite of software on a Mitsubishi 82 inch TV later.
George T. Omoregie
:) im glad you all like it. :)
i hope that between all the football games i find some time to finish it.
Hi Gappie! Just wanted to give you some feedback on what I see. First off, pretty darn cool! Of course I was not aware it was a mini skin too, so that was a double bonus!
I love the icons - birds, clouds, etc.
One thing I noticed - If I move my "middle" cloud, which should be the volume level adjustment, it slides ok. However depending on where I place it, it also seemingly click whatever is right above it. So I have either stopped playback (if on top of the "right" cloud) or paused it, due to being near the "sun".
I love everything else with it and appreciate your work!
thanks chirpp,
you are right. i tried to lay those icons a bit over each other because, i liked how it looked. but i guess its a bit overdone. i have to fiddle around a bit with that. taking it away totally takes a bit of the fun away though.
thanks again for the kind words.