Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: steveklein on May 28, 2010, 01:19:50 am
I was unsure of where to post this, but I figured I'd ask.
I've never had G-Force platinum work quite right with MC14. I'm using the latest build of version 14 and version 3.92 platinum of g-force. When I play a song in JRMC14, it tries to star the toolbar even though I've indicated I don't want it too. And for whatever reason to make it worse, there is some error that it can't connect that comes up whenever I play a song. This is incredibly frustrating. I was curious if this conflict can somehow be solved and if it happens in version 15 with G-Force.
I don't really want to pay for upgrades of either software until I see that it works, you know?
"star the toolbar"? I guess you mean "start". Whose toolbar?
You might try their beta build. Sometimes they used to make tiny changes without changing the build number. People have reported their beta works with MC15. Try a search here.
G-Force's toolbar starts automatically when I play a song which is undesired.
I don't have acces to updates with them anymore; I've contacted support to ask about it.
Even if the new beta they have works, the version I have should work fine because people used 3.9x versions of G-Force with MC and it worked fine; Mine never has.
Set your preferences in the toolbar...