Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Maverick07 on December 02, 2010, 01:11:10 pm

Title: Standard View Commands
Post by: Maverick07 on December 02, 2010, 01:11:10 pm
as the title says i need some help to understand the standard view commands, because im working again on a new skin.
hope you can help me.

1. Why does only a few objects support the OffsetX-Y command?

2. Is it possible to have change only the color of the title/header of the ActionWindow?
if yes => command please ^^

3. Is it possible to remove the arrows of the splitter and only have a 1px width splitter?

4. Is it possible to remove the two equilizers in the display?

5. Also i don't really understand the margins command, but i will later give you an example, maybe someone can discribe it better than the tutorial ^^

ok, for now, thats it :D
Title: Re: Standard View Commands
Post by: marko on December 02, 2010, 01:40:55 pm
1. Why does only a few objects support the OffsetX-Y command?
Don't know.

2. Is it possible to have change only the color of the title/header of the ActionWindow?
if yes => command please ^^
If you mean "can it change colour depending on status or type of window being shown" the answer is "No". I'm 99% certain you can create an action window header graphic and specify that the action window only use the header, with the background colour specified in the XML. I'm short on time here atm, but have a look at the xml file for the Noire skin as I think it uses this technique.

3. Is it possible to remove the arrows of the splitter and only have a 1px width splitter?
It's possible. I know because I managed it when I created the iCopy 9 skin, I just can't remember off the cuff how I did it. I will report back later. I should say though, that it was not very well received. It looked neat, but was nigh on impossible to hit with the mouse, which got on peoples' nerves!!

4. Is it possible to remove the two equilizers in the display?
This is a per-user setting, chosen by left or right click in the player display area. It is not possible to force the choice on the user.

5. Also i don't really understand the margins command, but i will later give you an example, maybe someone can discribe it better than the tutorial ^^
Imagine a MainFrame_TopBorder.png file with a 150 pixel graphic inset on the left end. You do not want the skinning engine to stretch this graphic, not ever. With MC maximised on my monitor, for example, the TopBorder file must be stretched over 1920 pixels. If you set the margins in the xml for the top border file to something like Margins="200,1,1,1" then the skinning engine will draw the first 200 pixels of the top border file as they are, then stretch the rest to fill the 1920 pixels. The margin values are applied in the following order: Margins="Left Margin,Top Margin,Right Margin,Bottom Margin"

Title: Re: Standard View Commands
Post by: Maverick07 on December 02, 2010, 03:06:42 pm
thanks for the fast reply, will try the solutions soon and report if it works or not ^^
Title: Re: Standard View Commands
Post by: Fabricio on December 02, 2010, 05:53:12 pm
thanks for the fast reply, will try the solutions soon and report if it works or not ^^

I am waiting.

Good luck.

Fabricio, from Brazil
Title: Re: Standard View Commands
Post by: marko on December 03, 2010, 04:33:08 am
Maverick, inside the attached file is a main.xml file you can drop into your fusion skin folder. (maybe keep your original safe)

It has 1 pixel wide splitters and bright purple splitter arrows!!

The bright purple helps you see them as you cannot get rid of them ;)

Now, to hide them, look at the last line of the "MainFrame" block called "<Entry Name="Splitter"" and alter the colour values shown to match your splitter and they will effectively vanish.

How did we arrive at 1 pixel wide splitters?
A couple of blocks down in the file, you see your "Splitter" data. You will notice I've added a "<Data DefaultSize" line in there, and that is the key to your success. Unfortunately, it's a "one setting to rule all splitters" thing, so you cannot specify a 1 pixel size for the vertical splitter and a 6 pixel size for the horizontal.

I also added the link to the skin release thread in this forum to the "Website" data in the top line of the xml, along with some "About" blurb. View your skin in the skin manager to see the effect these have. The website link brings the "contact author" link to life. Your DeviantArt site would work equally well in there.

Title: Re: Standard View Commands
Post by: Maverick07 on December 03, 2010, 10:26:16 am
yeaah, works great, and it looks much better. As you said it is a little bit hard to hit, but you don't resize the splitters all the time =D

again i have to thank ya :D
Title: Re: Standard View Commands
Post by: Maverick07 on December 04, 2010, 04:04:08 pm
ok here are again some questions - especially to the SplitViewTab over the Browserheader, don't know the exact name

1. so, is it possible to change the background of the splitviewtab bar? - at default it is using the color of the Gridlineback

2. Is it possible to change the Fontcolor of the bar? - i think it is using the textcolor of the list

heres a the idea of my new project:
ignore the + icon, it was an idea to add a new tab, but it isn't realizeable because the same image is used for the inactive tabs.

Title: Re: Standard View Commands
Post by: Maverick07 on December 06, 2010, 05:19:09 pm
ha finally i got what i want =D

found the answer in your "Black and Blue" skin.
It works perfect with the BackgroundColor but i want a background image like in the image. It isnt that important but it would look better ^^.

I tried this:
     <Colors text="FFFFFF" HotText="bcc6fe" background="4d4d54" HeaderBackground="2a2a2a" />
     <Entry name="Background" Bitmap="ViewHeader_Background.png" NumberImages="1" Margins="0,0,0,0"/>

but it doesnt work. Any idea?? (Your original one had no background because there was no image)
Title: Re: Standard View Commands
Post by: marko on December 08, 2010, 04:31:32 am
Good bit of detective work there ;) As for a background image in there, I tried that too, but sadly, the view header only accepts colour controls. In order for this to be possible, JRiver would need to add this to the skinning engine.

All we can do is ask :)
