Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Scolex on January 24, 2011, 02:18:22 pm

Title: Skin question (tab text)
Post by: Scolex on January 24, 2011, 02:18:22 pm
Is there a way to have the text in the section in the red box below a color other than "list" text color or have it show the "selected text" color.
Title: Re: Skin question (tab text)
Post by: Matt on January 24, 2011, 02:21:29 pm
You can specify ViewHeader TextColor and HotTextColor in the skin.

I believe the hot color is used for mouse-over, but not selected.
Title: Re: Skin question (tab text)
Post by: Fabricio on January 24, 2011, 02:58:24 pm
I use:

     <Colors text="--------" HotText="-------" background="--------" HeaderBackground="---------" />
     <Entry name="HeaderBackground" Bitmap="new.png" NumberImages="1" Margins="0,0,0,0"/>

Good work ...


Fabricio, from Brazil
Title: Re: Skin question (tab text)
Post by: Scolex on January 24, 2011, 03:06:39 pm
Thanks guys.
The wiki doesn't mention the ViewHeader option I was about to pull my hair out what little I have left.
Title: Re: Skin question (tab text)
Post by: kurushi on January 26, 2011, 11:29:56 am
It seems u are making a good skin!
Good luck!
Title: Re: Skin question (tab text)
Post by: Scolex on January 26, 2011, 12:14:13 pm
It is getting there just need to tidy up some things I don't like.
The horizontal scroll bar for example is too pronounced.
Title: Re: Skin question (tab text)
Post by: phalanthus on January 26, 2011, 10:50:26 pm
 ;D ;D

nice skin
please keep at it

thanks in anticipation
Title: Re: Skin question (tab text)
Post by: kurushi on January 27, 2011, 04:12:30 pm
Well u right for the scroll bar, just drop the glassy effect on them.
I don't like so much the texture in the play pause buttons.
I really love the playerbar display and the blue button on it.
Separators are very good too and seems easy to use.
Need to see it when u 'll have finish to polish it !