Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Maverick07 on March 05, 2011, 04:28:23 pm
hey guys,
am currently working on my 3rd skin for MC. Because i switched to win7, this time it will be a transparent skin.
So here are my questions and bug report...
So, as you can see on the screenshot, there are two bugs.
The first thing is that the Title has a background in darkgray if i remove the playerbardisplay.png or make it transparent. (the analyzer is also buggy)
And the 2nd thing i noticed is that the Borders are buggy too (the horinzontal line). Gradiant overlays look much worse.
Also i want to know if it is possible to make everything transparent. The scrollbar could be transparent, but the tree / list too?
The last thing i want to know is atm,if there is a way to remove the textshadow of the toolbar?? If iam using black letters, there is no shadow - at white there is -.-
btw. The skin won't look like this, im just trying things atm.
Oh and, will there be more support for transparet skins in version 16?
I am a fan of your skins!!! the other 2 are quality work, I love them!!! and the screen you just post is, Awesome!!!! I really like it!
and, do you really want to make the tree and other elements transparent? I think would look best if only certain key parts are transparent! but I trust your designer eye :)
I am also a fan of your skins
nice !
how is it progressing?
no progress yet, i just combined the transparent border with the FusionX.
not really great, but iam only testing atm.
Cool Combo!! CAN I HAVE IT?? !! ;D
Cool Combo!! CAN I HAVE IT?? !! ;D
ME too, me too!!
Can't wait for this skin!
yes very cool please release your Combo i love it also.
hey, me again
after a long rest i decided to continue the transparent skin.
theres no preview yet but i really have to know if there is a way to avoid the transparent display bug ive posted at my first comment.
and, if its possible to have a transperent tree and tabbar.?? pls help ^^
hey, me again
after a long rest i decided to continue the transparent skin.
Ok, waiting.
cool skin dude.
Very good.
For win xp, also?
the transparent FusionX of your screen above is just perfect, I dont want all to be glassy, just some key parts, what do you think?
heres a very early and short preview of the transparent skin:
i know its hard to imagine how the whole skin will look like ^^.
I try to use glass icons mixed with the lime green ive used for the border.
As you can see the player has a complicated transparent system, therefore i have to find the best settings to see the skin clean on light and dark backgrounds.
So it will took a lot of time :D
To the FusionX
i deleted the theme but its no problem to rebuild it. If theres a lil bit time i could render the ugly parts and upload it.
Just wanted to say that your sneak peaks look great.... I really want to steal your windows minimize/maximize/close buttons for my JaeRo Glass (stupid name I know, I'm not a marketing genius :P) skin :o
Definitely looking forward to this skin.
Any ideas on a dark transparent theme?
Hi, waiting!!!
Personnally i hate transparencies specially with many windows opened but good job anyway ;)
Can't wait for this to be released !
mehhh...i still cant find a possible solution to fix the display bug. Don#t know why the developers don't add some more options for skiners and fixed some bugs i already reported.
With these few options its very hard to make a good looking transparent skin, espacially a white one.
So i have to close this skin and try another one, darker and with less transparency.
Heres a screen where iam actually are / was:
the display was just a test so it don't fits to the rest of the skin
Coming in 16.0.148:
Changed: Transparency for glass-style skins is supported in the player bar display area (updated Noire Glass as an example).
Thanks, and sorry this took so long to get done.
Coming in 16.0.148:
Changed: Transparency for glass-style skins is supported in the player bar display area (updated Noire Glass as an example).
Thanks, and sorry this took so long to get done.
Very good.
wOOt thats great ;D
thanks Matt
;D ;D ;D
finally i came to the decision that the transparent skinning project has no future...
If someone is interested to continue the project i could send him all the .psd files.
finally i came to the decision that the transparent skinning project has no future...
If someone is interested to continue the project i could send him all the .psd files.
:'( :'(
:'( :'(
finally i came to the decision that the transparent skinning project has no future...
If someone is interested to continue the project i could send him all the .psd files.
Hey mate, if you like i can go on from where you left with the project, but that's about you.
If you want to do that you can pm and we work around.
Hey mate, if you like i can go on from where you left with the project, but that's about you.
If you want to do that you can pm and we work around.
I liked the idea.
Hey guys, well the thread is a lil bit old but the topic fits perfect for mine / our problem:
Because instigator released a preview of his new transparent skin, and showed what is possible/what not, i also tried again to do a glass skin.
...Maybe JRiver improved the skinning options for transparent skins...
So once again a concept skin in PS - looks alright at the first look.
- paste the layer style to the topborder and lets see how it looks.
- and what do i see? a totaly ugly background that does not look even close to the original.
If i turn down the opacity from original 20 to 5, the objects still dont look like it should be.
Also it is not possible to add a gradient to the background. I tried it several times but it always looks sick - or even worse.
Heres an example what i mean:
( (