Windows => Plug-in Development => Topic started by: Tolga on March 15, 2011, 06:19:10 pm

Title: a method for importing playlists directories?
Post by: Tolga on March 15, 2011, 06:19:10 pm
I just wrote the first quick and dirty version of a program that reads the playlists, updates them by replacing the files that are in a stack with the stack top elements.

I have problem importing the playlists back.

1) The playlists don't seem to be reimported, even if I delete the Imported Playlist folder. I can import them only after changing their names.
2) Is there a way to import the playlists with the current directory structure? Everthing is flattened out in the Imported playlist folder.
3) It would be great to have something like SetInfo web service that can make changes directly on playlists. I propose the following web services:

add_playlist_item(PlaylistID, Index, Key)
delete_playlist_items(PlaylistIds, Key/Index).
rename_playlist(Id, Name).

Title: Re: a method for importing playlists directories?
Post by: chstuart on January 29, 2012, 04:43:12 pm
I am having trouble importing playlist from one computer to another.  I can only import about 150 songs out of 350 in a playlist to the other computer.  the 2nd computer seems to know that there are 350 songs in the playlist but only brings in about 150.  I have tried several different playlists, but get similar results.  Any ideas?