Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: PaulSinnema on May 03, 2011, 02:18:40 am
I've started developing a Windows Phone 7 Remote Control. Here's a Blog post:
Give me some feedback I you think this is going to be something you would like to have. I'm still in the early stages and my handicap is a bit that I don't have a WP7 (yet) so I guess I'll be needing some beta testers that have one.
The project is on SourceForge so check it out.
This is something I'd definitely be interested in. If you were interested in getting a WP7 handset I've been very happy with my Optimus 7. I suppose there are features it doesn't have compared to Android and iPhone, but I haven't missed anything yet.
I'll keep track up updates to this
The MC Control has reached some maturity. It does the following now:
- Connection to the server is completed.
- It fetches playback info from the server and fills image and relevant info on the screen
- Slider is updated automatically (can't position the song with slider yet)
- Previous, Play/Pause, Stop and Next buttons are working
I've got no clue on how to create an installer for the App. I've read something about .XAP file deployment. Is that all that's needed?
The project can be downloaded from SourceForge.
Melloware created an iphone app that is quite good but I do seem to get disconnected every once in a while. Their functionality includes playlists and zones and more. However the big knock on their app is that you can't search artists / songs from it and based on that a lot of people dropped it.
I would suggest that you look into that if you can because I think there will be a lot of request for this. My 2 cents.
Very neat Paul.
Do you have any interest in using Access Keys for connection? This would make things easier for your users, enable access from the LAN or WAN, and it would allow wake-on-lan if you wished to add it. If you want to pursue this, let me know and we can document how to use Access Keys as a third-party developer.
Hi Matt,
Access keys? Sounds interesting. Can you give me quick info on what that is? If I can make my App better I'm always in for it. Does this f.i. mean that I don't use the web service anymore?
Hi jroyale,
This would certainly be something I would be willing to support. I see in the MC interface that all of your wishes are implemented so from that end there should not be a problem. I've created a wishlist on my blog.
Hi Matt,
Access keys? Sounds interesting. Can you give me quick info on what that is? If I can make my App better I'm always in for it. Does this f.i. mean that I don't use the web service anymore?
Access Keys are just a little code you can use to lookup IP addresses (both LAN and WAN) from JRiver. This way, a user can use a single key to connect from inside or outside the network. If you have a way to try Gizmo on the Android, you could see them in action.
Progress update:
Just implemented Zones.
Next Playlists
Progress can also be followed on my blog (Wishlist):
Project can be downloaded from SourceForge:
Hi Matt,
Sounds very interesting. Yes, I would like to see a description for this.
Just updated the video on my blog with the latest.
I'm currently implementing the Volume control from my remote. I do see an interface for setting the Volume but how do I mute?
Access Keys are just a little code you can use to lookup IP addresses (both LAN and WAN) from JRiver. This way, a user can use a single key to connect from inside or outside the network. If you have a way to try Gizmo on the Android, you could see them in action.
I can understand that you don't have the time right away, no prob. But can you al least tell me if I can keep using the MC Webservice when I have to implement access keys. It's a lot of work and I wouldn't like to go that to wast.
When I use the webservice to start a video. I get a nice thumbnail back. When however I scrub the video forward or backword MC16 sometimes crashes terribly. I accidentally discovered this when I implemented playlists. In one of them was a little video and it promptly started playing in full screen. Moving the position slider in my control results in 1 or more commands being fired at the MC Webservice. Very often (mind you not always) MC stops responding and I have to kill the program.
Just updated my blog.
- Did a big refactoring of the implementation of Zones.
- Playlists are now retrieved and can be played (complete or added as next to play).
- Added page transition animations.
- Added a Search panel. The MC Library can now be searched (Play has to be implemented).
- Solved several bugs.
- Restyled the App. The Panorama view was nice but interfered with the slider (very annoying).
I can understand that you don't have the time right away, no prob. But can you al least tell me if I can keep using the MC Webservice when I have to implement access keys. It's a lot of work and I wouldn't like to go that to wast.
Matt, could you spend some time here please?