Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: maid on June 15, 2011, 02:19:20 am
How can I fix PVD?
I moved some files around in MC and now all my titles are still in PVD but no info.
Is there an easy fix.
I don't know how to help you, sorry, though someone with PVD experience should be along shortly...
I love your posts. This place would not be the same without you!! You never sound stressed either, is that real, or do you just do a great job of hiding it?
Hopefully, you'll receive a more helpful reply soon,
lol I dont get too stressed, only when MC crashes hehe
Off topic also.. but I do admire the community for thier efforts on assisting you.. I read all the threads and learn a lot about the program.. Thank you for asking the questions you ask....
Hi Ken,
I do exactly the same and try to learn all i can by reading
I am on this forum every day looking at all the new post and yes MOST are fantastic at helping.
Keep up the good work.
I moved some files around in MC and now all my titles are still in PVD but no info.
Is there an easy fix.
Run PVD Tools > Scan folders..., and select the folders you moved the files to (or just the root folder that includes all your video files). If configured properly (with regex that recognize titles from filenames), the scanner will find and change all the new file paths.
Thanks rick thats done. now I am trying to put in my batch search.
I must be doing something wrong as I cant get it to show in the list.
What won't show in what list? ?
Can you update one file using the PvdImport context menu command?
Everything works fine.
I am trying to create and use a batch file that I have made.
I am having a huge problem getting this to work again with MC can someone help.
I was thinking of uninstalling and starting from scratch.
Failed in retrieving filename connection must be valid and open
Is Firebird Server running (as a service)? Check with Windows Task Manager.
Is the PVD database location still valid?
Does the error occur with PVD running? Without PVD running?
When you run PVD, is it connecting to the database via Firebird Server, or is it opening the database using the embedded server? If the former, the title bar will indicate "([Computer Name] [Database Pathname] Network." If the latter, that could be locking the database and causing the error.
cant see Firebird running how do i restart?
I have got PVD open the database is still valid
the error is in MC when I use the plugin
where do I look for the titlebar??
cant see Firebird running how do i restart?
With the Firebird Server Manager. Search for it from the Windows Start Menu or Control Panel if you don't know where it is.
I have got PVD open
Does the same error occur if PVD is not running?
where do I look for the titlebar??
The titlebar ( is at the top of the PVD window.
Sorry to be such a pain lol it took me ages to set this up before.
Great program I am lost without it.
This is what I have in MC
Failed to open Database Exception I/O error for file create file (open) E:\My Documents 2011-05-08 09;00;18 "error while trying to open file
Does the same error occur if PVD is not running?
I have now got it running following your screen dumps.
But and there's always a but.
PVD keeps telling me that there is no .Rating IMDb and there is and it will not import those ratings
I have now got it running following your screen dumps.
That's nice, but I wonder if your problem is really solved. The only thing I can think of that would cause the error messages you've mentioned is PVD not being connected to the database properly. But you won't answer my questions, so I don't know whether you've fixed that on your own, or have just avoided the problem by shutting down PVD.
PVD keeps telling me that there is no .Rating IMDb and there is and it will not import those ratings
I don't think PVD is capable of telling you anything like that, so you must be talking about PvdImport. If it's telling you there's no [.Rating IMDb] field, it can only be because you've configured it to import PVD's imdbrating field to [.Rating IMDb], but you have not created [.Rating IMDb] in MC.
I dont think that PVD was connecting to the Database, as I said I think its fixed.
PvdImport is telling me that there is no [.Rating IMDb] field, I do indeed have this field .Rating IMDb]in MC.
What else can I be missing??
What else can I be missing??
If you get that error message when you select Test Fields, the field does not exist in MC.
It did exist.
My fix.
Clear the field, run the PVD IMPORT let it crate the field then add to MC again.
All working now.
It did exist.
The problem was your belief this was true. Maybe one had a space at the end of it and the other did not, but the MC field must have been different from the one specified in the configuration. Your "fix" simply allowed the plugin to create a new field with the correct name.
Result. Respect. :D
Thank you for all your help!!! :)