More => Old Versions => Media Center 16 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: Jasonpctech on August 25, 2011, 02:51:51 pm
So I have been tweaking MyMovies XML in a attempt to use J river MC in MyMovies on WMC7. MyMovies can launch many other players like VLC, KMPlayer & MPC and more.
The hard part is figuring out command lines to invoke it preferably from J riversMC closed state. I have made other players like KMPlayer run with MyMovies but not MC. So, to get my HTPC to its perfect playback state I need some help here. ? I have spent a day so far. Yes, I have a thread going there too.
It's difficult to image why you would want to do this, considering MC is a better video player than any of those alternatives and can automatically import MyMovies data. But maybe Use MC as external player for 3rd party apps - script ( is something you should look at. :-\
You have looked at this: (
sorry .. I see you have...
Jasonpctech, have you go this to work? Like rick posted you can try the script I wrote that will launch MC (from a closed state) and play a file, then after playback automatically close MC. I'm using this to use MC as an external player on an install of W7MC and MediaBrowser. Been working fine in that setup.
I see your script but still not sure how to implement it with MyMovies.
I use the current combo WMC7+MyMovies due to it's familiar and more appealing (and simple) WMC7 integration, I do like the MC theater view but I can't change the interface for the rest of the household plus the MC movie tile view is way too cluttered with TV shows and Movies mixed in whereas MyMovies just sorts them out. MC is getting there and by all means is the single best player out there for video and audio period. In the meantime I will continue attempting to resolve the external MyMovies player issue.
Well I installed My Movies to try and figure it out for you but no matter what I did I couldn't get any player to show up in the external players list in My Movies. After some frustration I found out you have to purchase points to be able to use that option in My Movies. So I can't test it.
Here's what I was thinking would work however:
<ExternalPlayer Name="MC16" DisplayName="MediaCenter 16">
<ProcessName>media center 16.exe</ProcessName>
<Parameters>"[PATH]" fullscreen</Parameters>
<Location StartupDelay="5">
Obviously change the path to point to the location of your vbs file. Not sure this will work since I can't test it.
No dice, Changing the path broke the script and it would not come up in MyMovies external player settings. This one below is seemingly perfect but it won't work.
Here is what I have:
<ExternalPlayer Name="Media Center 16" DisplayName="JRiver Media Center 16">
<Parameters>"[PATH]" --fullscreen</Parameters>
<Location StartupDelay="1">
Thanks for helping, this one is tricky but if I can get a working external player I'm sure many will follow in our footsteps seeing JRiver really is leaps beyond the other player that do Audio & Video.
Would be cool if My Movies plugged into JRiver then Microsoft would be in trouble and JRiver Theaterview with MyMovies would be the new standard for TV & movie buffs.
Hi Jason,
I responded to you last post here (
An alternative would be for someone to write a plugin that allowed J River to talk to MyMovies database and then we have utopia :)
An alternative would be for someone to write a plugin that allowed J River to talk to MyMovies database and then we have utopia :)
I started the original post on this on the MyMovies forum. I can't agree that the import of the MyMovies database into JRiver is the best answer. The MyMovies UI inside Windows Media Center is much simpler to use with a remote. I don't want to use a keyboard in my home cinema. Whilst I love the output of J River, both music and video, the UI is far too complex. It would be great to see some collaboration between Brian Binnerup and J River to get this working.
I started the original post on this on the MyMovies forum. I can't agree that the import of the MyMovies database into JRiver is the best answer. The MyMovies UI inside Windows Media Center is much simpler to use with a remote. I don't want to use a keyboard in my home cinema. Whilst I love the output of J River, both music and video, the UI is far too complex. It would be great to see some collaboration between Brian Binnerup and J River to get this working.
Have you used Theater View?
Have you used Theater View?
Thanks for the pointer, fitbrit. I hadn't found this but have just given it a quick try and it looks like a good solution. I need to try the MyMovies import which Jim suggested to see what info is presented. I had really wanted to stay "inside" the WMC UI for consistency so will now have to do some mods to my Girder scripts to swap apps but that isn't a problem. Thanks again.
Many thanks for the pointer. I will give it a try :)
Well I gave it a try and ended up with 243 different genres ?
How can I limit the genres to the same category system as MyMovies?
It might be easy enough to edit by hand.
Action Adventure
Action Science Fiction
Search for "Action", select all the results, and change the genre by editing the tag to "Action".
Not a great example, but hopefully you'll see the point.
Well I gave it a try and ended up with 243 different genres ?
How can I limit the genres to the same category system as MyMovies?
The problem is the default configuration of MC fails to recognize movies have multiple genres. The data you're getting from MyMovies should be semicolon-delimited list of genres applicable to each movie, but it's being put in the string field [Genre]. As a result, each combination of genres is, in effect, a separate genre.
If I'm correct in assuming you're getting a semicolon-delimited list from MyMovies, the solution is simple. Just create a custom expression field [Genres] using the expression [Genre]&datatype=[list] to convert the data into a list.
It might be easy enough to edit by hand.
Action Adventure
Action Science Fiction
Search for "Action", select all the results, and change the genre by editing the tag to "Action".
Not a great example, but hopefully you'll see the point.
Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately editing manually is a non starter due to the number of changes required and the fact that it would need to be changed every time I add a film to the mymovies database and perform qn import :(
The problem is the default configuration of MC fails to recognize movies have multiple genres. The data you're getting from MyMovies should be semicolon-delimited list of genres applicable to each movie, but it's being put in the string field [Genre]. As a result, each combination of genres is, in effect, a separate genre.
If I'm correct in assuming you're getting a semicolon-delimited list from MyMovies, the solution is simple. Just create a custom expression field [Genres] using the expression [Genre]&datatype=[list] to convert the data into a list.
Worked a treat.
Thank you very much :)
Could I propose that this tip along with the import utility be added to either a sticky or the Wiki site to help other souls like myself.