More => Old Versions => Media Center 16 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: branty1970 on September 02, 2011, 02:09:39 pm

Title: Sort by episode
Post by: branty1970 on September 02, 2011, 02:09:39 pm
I have recently imported my video library into MC16 and am extremely pleased with the way things are going but I can't work out one issue which I'm sure is possible.

The files were named something like Black Adder 2 Ep 2 Beer. I've tagged this as a TV show in the Media Sub-Type and I've set the Series to Black Adder 2. All is great the different episodes appear in their correct series groups. However the name is too long to see the name of the episode (maybe not in this instance but I have lots of different shows and movie series where the name is much longer). So I thought 'no problem, I'll use the Episode tag to identify which order the shows are in and remove the "Black Adder 2 Ep 2" prefix from the name'. However, this doesn't seem to work - the shows just show up in some random order.

Can someone explain how to get the Theatre View for Movies and TV Shows to sort within series by episode number?

Title: Re: Sort by episode
Post by: CountryBumkin on September 02, 2011, 04:35:14 pm
Start with something like this - where episodes are listed (it doesn't care about the "e" in "e01") (I think yoiu have this already this part)


Then try this in Theater View:


Is this not working for you?
Title: Re: Sort by episode
Post by: branty1970 on September 02, 2011, 05:23:32 pm
Thanks for that - it works now! I had some extra fields in the options and now that I've removed them all looks OK.

Is it possible to do the same for Movies? For example I have all the Batman films and have set them up as a series with the film order in the episode field. The system puts the films into their series but it doesn't however sort by episode. When I add episode to the details I get the films sorted but the episode number is what is shown rather than the film name. It seems that the system sorts by episode for TV programmes but not for movies.

Title: Re: Sort by episode
Post by: vicini on September 02, 2011, 05:27:16 pm
this is my setup

Title: Re: Sort by episode
Post by: branty1970 on September 02, 2011, 05:33:48 pm
Mine looks very similar now and it works fine for TV programs. It just doesn't sort movies by the episode. I've made but my movie and my TV programs look the same!

Need to sleep on this one I think. Thanks for your help - you've moved me forward quite a bit!
Title: Re: Sort by episode
Post by: branty1970 on September 02, 2011, 06:01:48 pm
I've worked out why it doesn't work! Under Television when I choose 'set rules for file display' I can choose what to sort on. If I set the sort to 'episode' it works exactly as I would expect. However, under movie there is no sort option in the 'set rules for file display' so I can't set it to 'episode'.

Any ideas how to get a sort option under movie??

Title: Re: Sort by episode
Post by: on September 02, 2011, 06:09:22 pm
...Is this not working for you?

I believe what you've illustrated is the sort setting for the category itself. This may seem too obvious to require a sort setting, but there are some fields many would prefer to be sorted in descending order (e.g. Rating, Year). Categories can also be defined by expression, the result of which may not be the desired sort order. This setting allows it to be set independently.

The sort setting for the file list is in Rules for file display. Without a setting here, the default will be the file caption, which is likely [Name]. That's no doubt the problem here, because [Name] has been changed to Episode Title. This is a perfectly sensible thing to do. All that's required is to set "Sort by" to: Series (a-z), Season (a-z), Episode (a-z).

I've worked out why it doesn't work!

You're figuring it out faster than I can complete my post. :P

I'm not sure what your problem is movies. All Rules for file display have "Modifiers," one of which is the sort order.

However the name is too long to see the name of the episode (maybe not in this instance but I have lots of different shows and movie series where the name is much longer).

I understand the Thumbnail List Style may be preferred, but the simpler solution would be to use one of the other styles and take advantage of the much greater space available for the file caption. This also allows for a more visible backdrop...
Title: Re: Sort by episode
Post by: branty1970 on September 02, 2011, 06:15:40 pm
Got it!!

Thanks very much for your help. I was starting to get a little frustrated. I wasn't realising that the default modifier was 'none'! On my TV options it was set to sort by something other than I wanted so I simply had to change the existing sort. On movies I had to choose the modifier type to be sort.

It's simple when you know how!
Title: Re: Sort by episode
Post by: on September 02, 2011, 06:56:21 pm
It's simple when you know how!

Yes. The irony is it's so simple it's easy to create something very complex. You may have yet to discover the file caption can be an expression that adapts to the media type and circumstances, or the File Info Panel is a template-driven system that can be used to present information in an unlimited number of ways. But it's a nice kind of complexity. Much nicer than being forced to work around or adapt to a design incapable of meeting your needs.
Title: Re: Sort by episode
Post by: daveman on March 06, 2012, 06:19:14 pm : the graphic that you showed with Boardwalk empire is exactly how I want my media to be displayed, Season Episode filename.

When I updated the media info, I just get the epiode name .  How do I set it to get it to display the way that you did?  (please be deatiled as i am an idiot)
