More => Old Versions => Media Center 16 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: chew.isaac on September 09, 2011, 01:09:57 pm
I have two copies of MC16 running on two computers. On one I have no problem. On the other I have two issues.
- mp4 video files stutter when played and crashes M16. I need to set "Tools\option\file types\MP4 video" playback method to either realplayer or quicktime or windows media player then it will play ok. If I choose j river video engine it will crash and if I choose automatic it will stutters and then crash. I have the latest built of MC16 and I even installed CCP (combined community codec pack) but to no avail. Why is it not happening to my other laptop I wonder.
- And resume playback does not work. No matter whether I set it to automatic resume in general settings or set it to ask, and then I choose resume. It never resumes and begin from the start. Anything I can do?
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
Try Red October Std. Make sure you have the most recent build. 171 is at the top of this board.
A virus checker may cause stuttering.
Files on a network drive?
Check the setting for General/Behavior/Resume Playback.
Thanks for your reply Jim.
Setting red Oct std in solve my problem. Now mp4 playback does not stutter any more. I tested and it wasn't caused by antivirus program and my files are local and not networked. I can play VOB files with red Oct HQ no issues thought. But with MP4 it stutters.
I wonder if I lose picture quality by switching to red Oct std. Perhaps my i3 machine cannot handle red Oct HQ for mp4 playback. I don't have such issues on my i5 machine.
The video resume still did not work. I played with the different settings in general/behavior/resume. But no matter whether I set it to "resume" or set it to "ask" and then choose resume, playback never resume. Perhaps that is a registery thingy I need to set right? As I migrated from another computer to my current computer by copying the entire library over and also copy and installed the registry key over from the other computer.
Do you have an Nvidia card you could try? That might work with HQ.
Resume is a tag that can be removed. It's doubtful that it's a registry problem.
I wonder if I lose picture quality by switching to red Oct std. Perhaps my i3 machine cannot handle red Oct HQ for mp4 playback. I don't have such issues on my i5 machine.
i3-2100 is not enough by itself to run RO+HQ (at least on my machine). I added an nVidia GTS450 and now I run RO+HQ with Lav CUVID with no problem.
Mine is an i3 2nd generation chip that runs at 2.1Ghz and there is a Nvidia 540M in the computer as well.
So running red Oct HQ is not an issue. But I run into problems with mp4 files as the mp4 playback stutters. Setting to red Oct std solve the problem but that will means all my video will be running without MadVR. My solution is to still use red Oct HQ for all video files other than mp4. For mp4 I use Quicktime engine.
If anyone has a suggestion on how to play mp4 files with red Oct HQ setting I will be grateful. Thanks.
The resume of VOB files playback is back to normal. Don't know why. Jim said it is just a software setting in J river. Must be true.
My i5 machine with ATI 5650 plays VOB and mp4 files well using red Oct HQ. No problem.
My i3 machine with Nvidia 540M plays VOB files well. But it can't play mp4 with red Oct HQ. The playback stutters and MC16 crashes. To solve it, under MP4 playback option in file types, I need to choose windows media player instead of leaving it to automatic. It is very consistent and I have tried the diff settings many times with identical results. Choosing real player or quicktime as the playback method will work as well but window media player gives the best picture. I gather that my i3 chip is too slow.
So this one is a case close. I gather none of the users here ever faces the same difficulties.
I have an i3 540 (3.07GHz processor) system in my HTPC and I have no problem playing back .mp4 files in RO HQ setting. MP4 is a highly compressed format that's encoded in H.264 so it does take quite a bit of horsepower for it to play properly.
I see. yeah, my guess is mp4 needs more processing power. So it is true. My i3 is only 2.1 Ghz. Slower than yours. So that makes sense. Great!
Nev pointed me to an Nvidia driver. I had tried earlier to update my drivers but hit a roadblock as it directed me back to Acer, but Acer only has old drivers.
Anyway, I updated my Nvidia driver and now I use RO HQ with Hardware Acceleration on. Playing mp4 no longer stutters, and furthermore madvr and LAV CUVID is used. Fantastic. So J River's RO HQ really just works! Fantastic!