Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: hdplex on September 18, 2011, 04:35:49 am

Title: How to modify Theater View Skin?
Post by: hdplex on September 18, 2011, 04:35:49 am

First, I would say MC16 gives me powerful way to organize and present my music collection. No other softwares are even close.
Also, theater view at 1024x768 resolution enables Ipad to be a perfect remote to control MC16 via the help of remote desktop software.

I am wondering if the modification showed in the below pictures are possible by change the xml file under J River\Media Center 16\Skins\Theater View\Shared?

The original theater view


When trying to add a song/album to the current play list, theater view will goto a second page with control options on top but no song information.


When tyring to play this song directly or play next, theater view will need to open a third window.


Below is a mockup picture. In the new theatre view, when user click/select a certain song, the control button will show up under that song name. User could directly add/play/add album/etc without leaving that screen.  I would place the Genre/Album Title/Artist field under the cover art.

Last, is there an option to disable the tilt/mirror effect of the cover art in theater view?
The tilt special effect is nice but sometimes it would cause jaggies at the edge of the cover art.


Title: Re: How to modify Theater View Skin?
Post by: jroyale on November 11, 2011, 12:48:40 pm
Unfortunately I don't have the answer but it's an interesting question given what it looks like you want it to do is purely touch based.  I'm surprised remote desktop actually works as i've tried in the past and it can't render it when it's in theatre mode.

Not sure you aware as well there is a 3rd party remote for jriver for the iphone.  It works well but I kept having connetion issues so I dropped it.

Keep us posted if you make headway on this.