Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: guy007 on September 20, 2011, 05:02:15 pm

Title: How to create a user-defined field in a Track Info Template
Post by: guy007 on September 20, 2011, 05:02:15 pm
I've posted this problem in the Media Center 16 board for several days without getting a single reply.  (I'm using the 16.0.176 version) Perhaps this is a more appropriate board. I listen mostly to classical music and want to modify a Track Info Template so that fields which we need (e.g. composer, conductor, ensemble, composition, etc.) can be displayed in addition to or in place of the ones provided by MC, TRACKINFO_INSERT_ARTIST, etc. The SDK says that it is possible to predefine names and then use them also with a TRACKINFO command. And the SDK refers to a document, MJFields.h in the DevZone site. I've studied that document extensively, but my knowledge of HTML is pretty limited.

What I did was to copy an existing template, Noire, rename it Guy007 and add the line
    <define COMPOSER              _T("Composer")>
   after the table declaration and hope that would define the field "Composer." [It didn't]
   When I used the code from Noire to place the field "Artist" it worked fine. These were the lines.
   <td class="tracka" align="right" valign="top">Artist:</td>
   <td class="trackb" valign="top">TRACKINFO_INSERT_ARTIST</td>
   "Artist" is one of the fields already defined. However, when I changed the code to
   <td class="tracka" align="right" valign="top">Composer:</td>
   <td class="trackb" valign="top">TRACKINFO_INSERT(COMPOSER)</td>
   I got a result that read: Composer: TRACKING_INSERT(COMPOSER)
   I guess that I have not successfully predefined the user field "Composer." Of course, Composer does exist as a Library field and I have something close to 20,000 files (movements of quartets, etc.) most of which have a Composer name entered as a tag.
   I've tried half a dozen or more permutations of the define line, but nothing seems to work. (I feel like one of my goldfish banging it's head over and over against a glass bowl.) Can someone please tell me how to define a user field so that it can be used in my Track Info Template? It would be really cool to have just the info about the composition which is playing in a nice, big format on my screen.
   It may be that I'm asking for a kind of professional help for which a developer should be paid. I don't know, but that's fine by me. I just want to get a nice Track Info Template working. Thanks in advance. Guy007