More => Old Versions => Media Center 16 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: nealsal on November 02, 2011, 12:33:10 pm

Title: Can you help with JR16 mysteries?
Post by: nealsal on November 02, 2011, 12:33:10 pm
Has anyone found a straightforward way to--

Route MOG or Spotify music streams through the JR sound engine?  (I have JR16 on a 2nd, non-default pro sound card and it sounds great!)

Display lyrics in the Theater or Display view?  I've seen lots of posts but no "yeah here's how" answer.  I tried the mini Lyrics standalone window but it never settled down. 

I've had JR16 for about six months and have explored it but I still don't feel I have an easy understanding of how it all works.  For example, sometimes the File, etc. menu at the top is accessible, other times it acts locked out.  Or, sometimes when hovering over a thumbnail it says Play Files, and sometimes just Play.  Stuff like that.  I read much of the wiki manual but much of what I read felt like an explanation to those who already understand the application.  Is there a JR for Dummies (or something like what Outlaw Audio publishes for the hardware they sell)? 

Any help on these topics is greatly appreciated.
Title: HEY C'MON! re: Can you help with JR16 mysteries?
Post by: nealsal on November 02, 2011, 08:58:59 pm
Any ideas here?
Title: Re: Can you help with JR16 mysteries?
Post by: MrHaugen on November 03, 2011, 04:34:01 am
Sorry, there is no MC for dummies. I could have used such a book my self :)

There is currently no way of routing the sound of other apps to JRiver as I know of. There have has been mentioned a sound driver for JRiver, but I do not know if we will ever see one.

Lyrics. I was playing with this some time ago, but I abandoned the project at some point. There is some display view plugins that can be downloaded and modified. Search the 3'rd party plugins forum. there should be a JRiver download page for this stuff. Some of this plugins supports lyrics. The problems is scrolling of lyrics. I found no good solution of this, and the crowd did not go wild when I came with a few suggestions for those features. What I would advice you is to use configure the "Info" list to check out the lyrics while playing. It's an alternative to Playing now, found on the primary roller left of playing now. You can configure this under options, to include Lyrics. This way you can select lyrics in the Info view, and scroll the lyrics manually if it's to huge for the current view. Go to Tools - Options - Theater View - Customize File Info Panel - Select audio template and add Lyrics field as "show only in large view".

That's all I can give you now I'm afraid. Not all what you hoped for, but it's a start perhaps.
Title: Re: Can you help with JR16 mysteries?
Post by: nealsal on November 03, 2011, 05:15:21 am
Thanks- so I am stumbling on some of the tricky spots.  I appreciate your response and will play with the lyrics solution.  ****