More => Old Versions => Media Center 17 => Topic started by: eharry on March 20, 2012, 07:40:25 am
I'm wondering if it is possible to count the number of albums.
1. in the Album view on the bottom (I can only see "no. of files (GB - days)"
2. as an expression to edit the thumbnail text in artist view (so I can see the no. of albums of any artist).
Thanks for help!
welcum to the forum
1 i get the amount of albums in an album view at the bottom.. but that might only be when using album thumbs in the list view..
2. ive not found an easy way to do that, but maybe someone else can think of something easier..
i can do that because for all my albums i added a tracks total field which tells the total amount of tracks on the album, something i find usefull on many places for instance as info in Theater View.. and i dont split albums in different [disk #].
then i added a new library field with the expression: If(isequal([track #],[Tracks Total],2),[Tracks Total],0)&datatype=[integer]
i called it 'Tracks Total Avg Disc'
now in the artist thumbs i added: formatnumber(math([track #]//[Tracks Total avg disc,0]),0) Albums
well.. bit long way. i hope some easier solution could come up.
Thank you for your immediate response!
1. This is strange because I use album thumbs in the list view.
2. interesting approach!
If you expand Albums from the Albums view in the Tree is tells you the total number of albums - All Albums(#).
If you expand Albums from the Albums view in the Tree is tells you the total number of albums - All Albums(#).
However, I believe that number will be incorrect if you have multiple albums (i.e., by different artists) with the same name.
I wasn't aware that [Track #] worked in this fashion for Thumbnail text. Does it work in other places, such as Captions, etc.?
@Matt - this is useful, and I see it has been available for quite some time (and I've updated the entry in Tags ( wiki page). Could this be generalized to apply to all fields, providing the count of the number of grouped items, such as (and I'm taking liberty to define a syntax, just for this discussion):
The Dark Side of the Moon
A Momentary Lapse of Reason
The Wall
Wish You Were Here
This would allow Thumbnails, Captions, etc. to show the number of items in the grouping below, obviating the approximation workaround via library field and expression that gappie uses now.
I wasn't aware that [Track #] worked in this fashion for Thumbnail text. Does it work in other places, such Captions, etc.?
yes, track #,duration and i think an other one just count up.. with other values mc takes the average
An Album Thumbnails list style in a Panes View (otherwise grouped by the default Artist-Album) with always show the correct number of albums selected in the status bar.
That's how I typically use it too.
I was thinking of a Categories view, such as Genres. The Thumbnail text could be modified instead of being:
to be
[Name] [Name,#]//[Track #]
thus yielding the genre, number of items (eg. albums) within the genre, and number of tracks within the genre.
Note: the n in the screenshot would be the number of items.