More => Old Versions => Media Center 17 => Topic started by: tester on March 21, 2012, 03:13:30 am

Title: hd disapear - mac mini - bootcamp
Post by: tester on March 21, 2012, 03:13:30 am
evrything is great with mc17...but i have a big hardwareproblem (or software-related). from time to time- sorry i canīt describe it better - i lose my musikharddisk- itīs connected via firewire?

my setup
macmini late 2009 - bootcamp - windows 7 32 - 8gb - intern ssd - firewire 800 musikharddisk ntfs
remote via ipad - jremote

never had this under osx
never had this with windows before without mc17?

ther is nothing else on the harddisk and no

help would be great cause i have no idea whatelse i can try

thank u
Title: Re: hd disapear - mac mini - bootcamp
Post by: tester on March 21, 2012, 04:11:25 am
itīs not loosing the hd  - the macmini is loosing the firewireport...
i made a short test with a second disk, after the 1 hd is gone and itīs not possible to get the port to work for me- i have to reboot?

plz help
thank u
Title: Re: hd disapear - mac mini - bootcamp
Post by: tester on March 21, 2012, 04:50:38 am
ups maybe i find a solution

i changed the 1394 OHCI driver to 1394 OHCI Compliant Host Controller ---works great for the moment... :)

for the record: bootcamp from lion 10.3

thank u