Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: SkGe on April 11, 2012, 09:51:25 pm

Title: Nine-2 Skin (download included)
Post by: SkGe on April 11, 2012, 09:51:25 pm
I just finish the skin and now is available for downloading and to use it.
Hope my work on skin give you a reason to use the skin :)
Mostly in skin are change and for now i have one single problem and trying to find a way to fix it. (on conversion section the scrollbars are way too big and don't find a way to fix it, i will work on that anyway.)
Till then this is my latest skin created, after this i will take a short brake and move to the glass skin to complete.
Hope you enjoy the skin, and feedback and error if you find, you can tell here.
Good luck.
Here is the image of the skin
And bellow the link for download.
I change the link where the file can be downloaded. (
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project
Post by: HTPC4ME on April 11, 2012, 10:22:00 pm
Cool skin!
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project
Post by: phalanthus on April 12, 2012, 02:07:33 am
 ;D ;D ;D
very nice - keep at it!
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project
Post by: phalanthus on April 20, 2012, 07:24:20 am
 ? ?
any progress ??
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project
Post by: SkGe on April 23, 2012, 03:41:38 pm
? ?
any progress ??

I'm still working on the skin, but in last period i spend so little time on this project because some issues in Real life, so till then, the work is going, maybe slower in this period:)
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project
Post by: xplain on April 29, 2012, 03:30:28 pm
I love the look of this.
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project
Post by: MrHaugen on April 30, 2012, 03:42:54 pm
This looks really clean and nice. Only thing I don't fancy that much are the Play, Stop and FF/FR buttons. I just don't think it looks good with that whole frame that is dug into the bar. I think it would look much better simply by removing the frame around the buttons.

Perhaps I'll use this instead of the of the new Black on Black skin. I can't really get used to the lack of borders on that one :)

Good work!
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project
Post by: Fabricio on April 30, 2012, 04:48:51 pm
Only thing I don't fancy that much are the Play, Stop and FF/FR buttons. I just don't think it looks good with that whole frame that is dug into the bar. I think it would look much better simply by removing the frame around the buttons.
Good work!

Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project
Post by: SkGe on April 30, 2012, 04:50:22 pm
This looks really clean and nice. Only thing I don't fancy that much are the Play, Stop and FF/FR buttons. I just don't think it looks good with that whole frame that is dug into the bar. I think it would look much better simply by removing the frame around the buttons.

Perhaps I'll use this instead of the of the new Black on Black skin. I can't really get used to the lack of borders on that one :)

Good work!
Well i'm thinking a way to change the buttons, and for now i still don't have a final idea, and therefore at the release it will have another buttons, till then i work on my ideas :D.
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project
Post by: Fabricio on April 30, 2012, 07:18:47 pm
An idea:



Fabricio, from Brazil.
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project
Post by: MrHaugen on May 02, 2012, 03:40:05 pm
That looks much better :)
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project
Post by: AoXoMoXoA on May 02, 2012, 04:03:23 pm
At this moment i switched to this buttons, maybe it will stay or not, now depends how do i find if it suit the skin or not.

I love the way the buttons look like they are embossed into the surface of the skin. Nice effect!
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project
Post by: Fabricio on May 02, 2012, 06:33:18 pm
The new buttons are done for the skin, and i still have some things to do, but soon i will be release.

Very good. I liked.
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project (download included)
Post by: Fabricio on May 05, 2012, 04:26:47 pm

Thanks, but for me have a bug in scrollbar, see:



Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project (download included)
Post by: Maverick07 on May 06, 2012, 10:00:10 am
Well i wanted to give you a short review of the skin, but it looks like that you have found the worst file share site ever.
Make a profile at deviantart and upload all your skins there. You will have a better overview of the skins and more downloads.

Anyway, all i can say that the ViewHeader and the "Display" looks kinda familiar ;D
Also i have to say that the Close, Max, Min buttons look - for me - horrible - but ye, thats my opinion...

Keep up the good work ;)
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project (download included)
Post by: Fabricio on May 06, 2012, 10:46:04 am
From what i see that problem i got only on the conversion window, and nowhere else, and it seems you have there. Can you tell me what resolution you use?
I did check mine and it seems to be ok, i will work on that to fix it pretty soon.

I use resolution 1366 x 768.

I have problem (also) with Splitter_Vertical Color: are white and not black.

Fabrcio, from Brazil.

Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project (download included)
Post by: SkGe on May 06, 2012, 10:53:52 am
I use resolution 1366 x 768.

I have problem (also) with Splitter_Vertical Color: are white and not black.

Fabrcio, from Brazil.

Fabricio try to remove from .xml file this section or reduce it
    <Data MinimumWidth="your number" MinimumHeight="your number" />, what i use is 960x1024.
Maybe it will help you there.
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project (download included)
Post by: SkGe on May 06, 2012, 10:58:15 am
Well i wanted to give you a short review of the skin, but it looks like that you have found the worst file share site ever.
Make a profile at deviantart and upload all your skins there. You will have a better overview of the skins and more downloads.

Anyway, all i can say that the ViewHeader and the "Display" looks kinda familiar ;D
Also i have to say that the Close, Max, Min buttons look - for me - horrible - but ye, thats my opinion...

Keep up the good work ;)
What do you mean by in ViewHeader and the Display?
Also, i don't know that site is the worst for uploading, i will try to change if that is so, and ty for the info on some part of skin good or bad :), each pass get you in a better place :).
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project (download included)
Post by: Fabricio on May 06, 2012, 11:44:10 am
Fabricio try to remove from .xml file this section or reduce it
    <Data MinimumWidth="your number" MinimumHeight="your number" />, what i use is 960x1024.
Maybe it will help you there.

I reduce and removed, not work.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


Do you remember?: I have problem (also) with Splitter_Vertical Color: are white and not black.


Fabricio, from Brazil.
Title: Re: Sneak Preview on a skin project (download included)
Post by: SkGe on May 06, 2012, 11:56:15 am
I reduce and removed, not work.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


Do you remember?: I have problem (also) with Splitter_Vertical Color: are white and not black.


Fabricio, from Brazil.
Do you have this problem on other skins or is just in this one?
Give me some shoot of your problem or pm to understand better to see whats the problem and try to fix it.
The only solution is to change the size of scrollbars so i will redo the size, hope that it will fix the problem.
Title: Re: Nine-2 Skin (download included)
Post by: Fabricio on May 06, 2012, 12:08:26 pm
Do you have this problem on other skins or is just in this one?
Give me some shoot of your problem or pm to understand better to see whats the problem and try to fix it.
The only solution is to change the size of scrollbars so i will redo the size, hope that it will fix the problem.

Just your skin. Do not know why? Sorry ...

Do you remember?: I have problem (also) with Splitter_Vertical Color: are white and not black.

Your skin:

For me:

Fabricio, from Brazil.
Title: Re: Nine-2 Skin (download included)
Post by: SkGe on May 06, 2012, 01:12:14 pm
Fabricio try now to download the skin, i did do some small changes, that hope it fix your problem, i wait for a reply if you had the problem solved.
Title: Re: Nine-2 Skin (download included)
Post by: Fabricio on May 06, 2012, 01:37:54 pm
I downloaded, but scrollbar disappeared.


Fabricio, from Brazil.
Title: Re: Nine-2 Skin (download included)
Post by: SkGe on May 06, 2012, 02:11:01 pm
I think that is a graphical glitch, because sometimes happens to me as well, but after a period it disappear and the only fix is to make scrollbars bigger, and that way that glitch it not going to happens, right now i will see a way to fix this problem.
Ty for the info mate.
Title: Re: Nine-2 Skin (download included)
Post by: Fabricio on May 06, 2012, 03:35:48 pm
I think that is a graphical glitch, because sometimes happens to me as well, but after a period it disappear and the only fix is to make scrollbars bigger, and that way that glitch it not going to happens, right now i will see a way to fix this problem.
Ty for the info mate.

Ok, waiting.
Title: Re: Nine-2 Skin (download included)
Post by: marko on May 07, 2012, 12:03:17 am
press F5 when the scroll bar misbehaves and it will right itself. I believe this is a skinning bug, and have reported it as such, but I do not expect it to receive a great deal of priority in the grand scheme of things.
When I first introduced a 1 pixel wide vertical bar, it was, at first, just an experiment on my part. For me, it works really extremely well, and has been very favourably received, and on the rare occasion they draw incorrectly and I have to press F5, it is still worth it for me.
sirgeo, if you do find a fix for the anomaly, please share with me and I'll update my 'no bars' skins too :)

Title: Re: Nine-2 Skin (download included)
Post by: SkGe on May 07, 2012, 01:08:41 am
Probably that bug it will stay there till people with the rights means will do something and i will doubt it would happens in near future and the only fix is to use a bigger size of scrollbars or to use what Marko says.
Anyhow Marko, if i find a solution i will share it.