Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: PaulSinnema on April 15, 2012, 01:14:17 am
I'm expanding MC Remote with an artist and album list but got a bit of a problem. I use the /Library/Values url to get the artists like so:
This returns an XML with all the artist names:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <Response Status="OK">
<Item>16 Horsepower</Item>
To be able to display an image for the artist I retrieve the first song of this artist. As a test I changed the name 'A HA' to 'A&HA'. This will cause a url problem because the ampesand is used as webquery separator.
I've used the following code to Escape the ampesand
parameters.Add("Query", "[Artist]=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(artistName));
The result is:
where the ampesand is translated to '%26'. This however return all keys in the library which of course not is what I want.
I there a way to solve this problem?
The problem is even worse. Any spaces in artist names cause problems. The querystring does not allow strings in it. The escaped value is correct. I guess the Webservice simply does not do an unescape of the query string. Am I correct?
We were using recursive dehexification of the URL parameters, and this made it impossible to use a literal &.
Look for a fix next build.
Thanks Matt,
I can keep the escaping that I use now or do I need to do something else here?
We were using recursive dehexification of the URL parameters, and this made it impossible to use a literal &.
Look for a fix next build.
Hi Matt,
Take a look at this post please. I had made a mistake in the parameters routine and solved something.
Hi Matt,
No need to look any further. This also solves this problem.