Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: xplain on July 31, 2012, 10:42:25 am
Update Update Update 11-11-2012
JR Metro skin for Theater View is ready
This is a pack with three skins, all three skins are very much alike,
JR Metro and JR Metro DB is a bit different in the background, I like both of them so I made them both available,
the third skin has a christmas background.
Skin name: JR Metro
Website: ([/url)
Download link:!123 (!123)
4 folders will be downloaded
The folder JR Metro, and JR Metro DB, and JR Metro X-Mas needs to be put in Folder skins / Theater view
The folder JR Metro - Theme needs to be put in folder skins / Theater view / Themes
Set options like this:
Recomended setting:
JR Metro:
( (
More screenshots: (
JR Metro DB:
More screenshots: (
JR Metro X-Mas
Looks nice, I like it :)
Video to show how the transisions works from menu to menu point.
Not very good quality, filmed with my Samsung tablet. (
I liked. Congratulations.
Fabricio, from Brazil.
Very cool!
Video looks great! What about changing the left square color depending on the selected item?? :)
Video looks great! What about changing the left square color depending on the selected item??
The big one on the left or the little one in upper left corner?
And do You have sugestions for what colour fits what :-)
Thank You for your suggestion :)
Nice! This is EXACTLY what I was messing around with the other day when I was bored. Coincidentally enough, is was one of your themes that I was messing with xplain. :)
I was shooting for more of an Xbox dashboard look, but you got a lot closer than I did, that's for sure. I was able to get the big squares, but then I got sidetracked on something else. Let us know when we have access :)
Tomorrow morning (very early), my family and me, are going to Itali for a week of holiday.
So for the next week there will be done nothing in ths skining field,
as I'm laying by the pool, reading a good book, cold beer, pizza, with the kids and wife in the pool, sightseeing and what not.
Have a nice time, until then.
Whoops, looks like you'll have to find a new name for it... :)
This looks amazing! Keep up the good work!
We're anxious xplain, any news? ;D
Appreciate the work you're putting into all the skins buddy!
It's very pretty. Well done Xplain!
It's just a shame that MC does not allow the adding of cover art, summary of new episodes, new movies imported and other stats and graphics in the various screens. It could have made skins so much better.
MC is doing a ton behind the scenes that is awesome, I wish the in front of the scenes would open up a bit. User done front ends would end up fantastic if they were downloadable installs. Because if they weren't good, people wouldn't use them. The good ones would get tweaked until they were better.
I actually thought that it would be finish by now.
But things in real life have slowed me down, but I think that within the next week or two
I will put it for download.
It's just a shame that MC does not allow the adding of cover art, summary of new episodes, new movies imported and other stats and graphics in the various screens. It could have made skins so much better.
I couldn't agree more with You, I have asked a couple a times on Interact, for the ability to drag things
out to the front page from the underlying menu.
Ex. one of the squares in the Metro skin, when on the movie point, could show the cover, or other picture, of the last imported movie.
Att.: JRiver developers
A requst for Theater View
It's just a shame that MC does not allow the adding of cover art, summary of new episodes, new movies imported and other stats and graphics in the various screens. It could have made skins so much better.
I made a screenshot with a quick idea about what this could be used for,
Here it's the movie section, in this quick idea it shows how many movie there are in the library,
and shows an image for the last imported movie.
This is just a quick picture, it's just to show what I mean.
The main problem for showing such numbers as "total movies" in libraries is that MC has little tools to find the total of for example episodes in a TV Show, Episodes in a Season and so on. If I have understood the situation correctly. If such a tool for periodically, or on the fly calculation, of the number of items in the database was available, this could be a lot easier to add to theater view views. Both on the front page and a summary of counters on views for TV Shows and Movies.
Usable combinations could be Numbers of "Not watched" items on TV Shows or Seasons. Total number of TV Shows and Movies on the main menu and so on. Those things had been even more effective if there was a way of showing the Small info pane at more than the bottom level...
The main problem for showing such numbers as "total movies" in libraries is that MC has little tools to find the total of for example episodes in a TV Show, Episodes in a Season and so on.
The total movies number is just an example,
it could be a lot of things, as You said "Not watched" is a good idea.
I'm wondering how hard it is to implant this ??
The best solution is to simply allow us to define expressions in the skin definition file(s). That way we can display any calculated library value we need.
The best solution is to simply allow us to define expressions in the skin definition file(s). That way we can display any calculated library value we need.
That is right, this would be absolutely amazing if could be done like that.
But this would only cover text, we also need a way to show an image in some cases,
like if use last imported, if would be nice to show the cover from the movie or capture
an image from ex. tmdb, and be able to define the size and position of it.
The best solution is to simply allow us to define expressions in the skin definition file(s). That way we can display any calculated library value we need.
Yes, probably. But the problem with expressions today, as I've understand, is that expressions can only do operations on it self? They have problem with counting items or values in other items.
Metro is really my taste good job!
I'm still working on this, and a lot is still missing.
But I am at a place now, where I would liked it to be tested.
Hope someone is up for testing this.
Download link:!123 (!123)
There is only the skin for now, and no theme, it's designed to this setting (Image / Video mix amount: Normal)
and No Theme
Thank You for youir help
Thanks man. Should we choose no theme or default?
You should choose No Theme
This is an awesome Skin Thomas. Thanks for creating it.
Is there a way to debug this to see what's causing it to crash after playback? When I started using this skin - every time I exit playback to go back to the theatreview, the JRiver software crashes. I wanted to see if there's anything I can help with in terms of debugging. Not sure if anyone else ran into this or similar crashing issue.
You have logging options under the Help menu. Try to catch the log file directly after one of the crashes. I would also recommend that you try to use the default skin and see if that makes a difference. This will make it easier to pinpoint the root of the problem. Bug in the skin, or bug in the underlying features used by the skins.
The JR Metro skin is done,
see top post
Many thanks xplain, it looks great.
What's different about the DB version?
Many thanks xplain, it looks great.What's different about the DB version?
JR Metro has a dark texture as background,
while JR Metro DB has a brighter color (dark -bright-dark) and no texture
Great work on this! Thanks for sharing
This is a beautiful skin and theme! It'll be my default from now on. I've settled on the light dark one, with a couple of adjustments. Only thing I did not love was the selection rectangle :) It was to "in your face" and a bit fat borders in my opinion. I changed that back to Obsidian defaults. And I added some graphics for my "Music Videos" view. That's about it!
One thing I would like to fix, but can't seem to find in the xml files are the overlay behind the top roller in every view. There are a light gray'ish overlay that is not sized correctly for the roller selection. It looks a bit odd. I'd like to get rid of the whole overlay or to change the height of it.
Xplain, do you know what kind of setting or picture that is? I did not find any obvious links to any of the pictures, so it might just be a overlay setting somewhere.
Xplain, do you know what kind of setting or picture that is? I did not find any obvious links to any of the pictures, so it might just be a overlay setting somewhere.
Find this in the XML-file, the bold text is what you want to look for.
<Item Bitmap="Pictures\Background.png" Location="*" Rect="0,0,100,100" Alignment="1" Alpha="100" Background="1" />
<Item Bitmap="List\LocationBackground.png" Location="*\**" Rect="Titlebar\0,0,100,147" Alignment="1" Alpha="60" Background="1" />
<Item Bitmap="Pictures\Dialogback.png" Location="*\**" Rect="0,0,100,100" Alignment="1" Alpha="75" Background="1" />
Very late to the party here, but this skin is great!!! Thank you very much!!! I'll also report that I'm running this skin on 19.0.25 and so far no issues.
Very much appreciated!!
Just in case you are wondering I'm still loving this skin and it seems to work fine with CM 20.0.10.
Glad to hear it's working with mc20, I still haven't updated, but will soon. ;D
Finally got round to installing it... > love it.
Can I make a request? I have a live shows (comedians etc.) roller item - there's no matching images for this type of thing.
Can you create the 3 images? I can do the xml files to suit.
PS: Can the date format be localised? In UK, I'd like it to show as Day name, Date Month name, so:
Saturday, 20 June instead of Saturday, June 20.
Just installed it on JR 21.0.23 and it looks to work great still. This is by far the best Theater View skin avail for JR.
Just downloaded it, and its working on JRiver 21..72. I do have a few questions about how to customize this a little bit. I have added theater view menu items but I'm not sure how to add graphics for them. For instance I have an xbox app launcher in my theater view menu, and I would like to add xbox graphics when this menu item is selected. How would I do this? Also, is there a way to make the graphics function as buttons that launch other menus, or external applications? I'm not sure how well this theme is still supported but just because it is about the only one out there that I could find, I think that makes it kind of important.
I just downloaded 22.0.15 and it works.
Getting Appcrash with 22.0.65 on Windows 10 x64.
Just loaded it up on JRiver 24 (64-bit) - 24.0.34. Works great!!! To me this is the best skin available. Granted I haven't tried any new skins since v18 when i started using this skin. But I really like this skin so no reason to change at this point.
Even after all these years, I still prefer this theme. :)
I think JRiver needs to add it to their program by default. I'm getting tired of adding it manually every time I update or reinstall.
I love it too and it's only skin I use for long time now.
I create many categories with other pictures too for my theatre view and it always works fine.
Thanks for this great skin
Any chance someone can upload it to a non account? Someone attempted logging into my account so it's locked. ai'd hate to create an account while they are determining if they'll return my account to me. Thanks