Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: tester on November 28, 2012, 03:52:23 am
plz help
i have macmini early 2009 - mc18 win 7
evrything is fine in te moment...
only jremote is crashing when i try to see my albums ...genre is working?
any idea
thank u
I had a similar issue. It ended up being a tag in of my songs. Some had remarked that invalid characters in the name, or album name could cause this. I have 30,000 files so that was a mess to try and figure out.
Here's how I found and resolved it:
I created a test library in JRiver and only imported a certain amount of songs. My folder is organized by artist so I imported all artists that started with letters A up through G. Once imported I ran JRemote and made sure it works ok. If it didn't I tried a smaller set to import, like letters a-d. If it worked, I moved on and tried H-M.
After finding my songs that had an issue, I ended up deleting the 1 song with an issue I could not see what the issue was in it.
I hope this helps!
thanks ...
its correct...i had some difficult signs in the title. $§"'...
this was the reason. i made a search for this kind of signs and corrected them. now everything is super.... ;D ;D
Just to add some more info about this.
If you have certain "strange" characters in your metadata, MC will generate an invalid XML file.
Since the file data is invalid, JRemote can`t read it.
While very few people experience this (I know of 2), It is something the MC guys should probably fix eventually.
If you have certain "strange" characters in your metadata, MC will generate an invalid XML file.
Since the file data is invalid, JRemote can`t read it.
While very few people experience this (I know of 2), It is something the MC guys should probably fix eventually.
Could you provide more details?
Our XML should be UTF-8 with escapement of any necessary characters.
We did some work on this about a year ago when Android's XML parser was a little more picky about certain non-print escapement than our parser.
There is a special case where \1 (hex code 1) gets passed unchanged. I would not expect this to cause problems.
Thanks for any additional information.