Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: instigator on December 23, 2012, 06:32:56 pm
Is supposed to look like this:
To fix this I have to apply the theme again, every time MC is started!!!
Is a mistake? Or from now, this is how the things will be. :( :(
PD: None of the things mentioned here ( are implemented. Too bad.
Do all skins do this? If it's only the skin shown, could you send a copy to matt at jriver dot com so I could test?
(ps. That's a great looking skin.)
Do all skins do this? If it's only the skin shown, could you send a copy to matt at jriver dot com so I could test?
Just curious: are you asking "So..." because you wanna know if somebody there at JRiver already took the time to look deeper at this?!
Nobody have actually been pass through that problem?
I can't reproduce the problem on any of the stock skins using build 103.
The tree and lists load as the correct color, and change color as expected when switching skins.
Any other clues?
Skin Effects activated? But this would not explain why only in 103...
Skin Effects activated? But this would not explain why only in 103...
No. I really don't know what is caused this. I only changed the permissions in order to edit my personal skins.
I'm using Windows 8