Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Great_Pumpkin on January 03, 2013, 03:49:57 pm

Title: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: Great_Pumpkin on January 03, 2013, 03:49:57 pm
Hi all,

Here's my first go at skinning.  There's still some tweaking and bg's to do but overall I think I'm on my way.  It's for my large plasma at a 20' distance.  I realize it may not be eveyone's taste but I thought some may appreciate the direction I took.  The bg's are about 5-6mb a piece.  I'm still working out how to post images so I apologize if these aren't quite uploaded correctly.

The screen images gallery is here:




I've uploaded a screen cap to vimeo.  I've password protected it because I have yet to check the rights on some of the images I used in it's creation, but if anyone would like to see it in action, here's the address:

The password is "JR_Theatre"

Thanks for any feedback,
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: HTPC4ME on January 03, 2013, 04:02:11 pm
Wyked COOL!
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: HTPC4ME on January 03, 2013, 04:11:35 pm
it would be stellar if you could share a tutorial for the rest of us less savy on how this was nice to get some new skins for theaterview, gizmo, webgizmo etc. Many talented people here. I personally would love to have a dabble at it just to get a 100% personalized interface.

Thanks for sharing, Nice work! hope we get to try it =)

Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: mojave on January 03, 2013, 04:59:12 pm
I just watched the video. This is an awesome looking skin. I use a 24" LCD from about 11' away for my music selection and this skin will look great on it.
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: Matt on January 03, 2013, 05:01:10 pm
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: gappie on January 03, 2013, 05:05:59 pm
amazing.. well done!!
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: mojave on January 03, 2013, 05:25:08 pm

amazing.. well done!!
Now we need Glynor to chime in with an even shorter post and this skin will have scored a hat trick of speechlessness!  ;D
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: MrC on January 03, 2013, 05:29:09 pm
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: raym on January 03, 2013, 06:42:03 pm
This is amazing. Well done. Can't wait to give it a try.
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: AoXoMoXoA on January 03, 2013, 06:55:59 pm
Title: Re: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: WeeHappyPixie on January 03, 2013, 06:58:18 pm
Looking good. When are you planning on releasing it and are you working on any other skins.

Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: justsomeguy on January 03, 2013, 11:42:10 pm
I'm liking the looks of this skin a lot. I don't know why but the first thing I thought when I seen it was Bioshock.
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: xplain on January 04, 2013, 03:05:03 am
Woooow, that is amazing....

Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: )p( on January 04, 2013, 05:39:15 am
Very well and tastefully done retro skin...impressive!
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: locust on January 04, 2013, 07:20:36 am
Cool, reminds me of the game Bioshock
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: Great_Pumpkin on January 04, 2013, 09:18:53 am
Thanks for the kind and encouraging words everyone!  I will also start on a tutorial on it's creation for any who want to try their hand at skinning.  I plan to release this to everyone as soon as possible in motion background and still bg versions.  The only hold up is how I handled the roller bar.  I haven't found a way to skin it yet and so the visible bar is a cheat.  It's a set of graphics that are very specific to my section ordering, and the actual roller bar is pushed off the bottom of the screen, but exposes the graphics seen as it is navigated.  The other unfortunate side effect is this makes the visible roller bar graphics only usable with cursor keys and remote, but not clickable with a mouse.  I plan to spend the weekend at it and hopefully will figure out something that will be flexible enough to support everyone's systems.  If that happens, I'll make it public immediately.

Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: xplain on January 04, 2013, 10:35:04 am
 and the actual roller bar is pushed off the bottom of the screen, but exposes the graphics seen as it is navigated

I thought it was something like this you did, I really hope you find a way to skin it, I havn`t found the way to do it yet.

Looking forward to try this skin, great work
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: _mulder on January 04, 2013, 10:58:15 am
This is absolutely an amazing looking skin. Classic, tastefull yet modern at the same time. I really can`t wait to try this when it comes out. Good luck for bringing it to completion.
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: InflatableMouse on January 16, 2013, 10:28:47 am
Holy cow!


When do you expect to release it? :D
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: Fabricio on January 16, 2013, 10:32:01 am
Holy cow!


When do you expect to release it? :D

Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: InsaneRC on January 16, 2013, 04:38:09 pm
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: lboregard on January 16, 2013, 05:42:15 pm
awesome !
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: Mr ChriZ on January 16, 2013, 05:54:15 pm
Wow AWE!
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: hooli on January 16, 2013, 07:13:30 pm
Really looking forward to this being released. Any updates?
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: InflatableMouse on January 17, 2013, 12:25:25 am
The only hold up is how I handled the roller bar.  I haven't found a way to skin it yet and so the visible bar is a cheat.

Maybe one of the devs can help?
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: kurushi on January 17, 2013, 04:52:40 am
don't like the vintage style but i love you're works congrats!
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: xplain on January 18, 2013, 10:56:31 am
I have some time ago made this, maybe it will help You with skinning the rollers,
somethings can be done and some things can not.

I dont think it's possible to replace the roller text with pictures, but it is possible to put a background on the rollers.

In the base 1.xml (or whichever you are using) where it says:
    <Layout Name="Root" Location="" >
      <!-- Background area -->
      <Item Name="ViewBackground" Placement="All" />

      <!-- Overscan area -->
      <Item Name="" Base="ViewBackground" Placement="Left" Size="[Overscan Left]" />
      <Item Name="" Base="ViewBackground" Placement="Top" Size="[Overscan Top]" />
      <Item Name="" Base="ViewBackground" Placement="Right" Size="[Overscan Right]" />
      <Item Name="" Base="ViewBackground" Placement="Bottom" Size="[Overscan Bottom]" />

      <!-- Content area -->

      <Item Name="RootRollerBump" Base="ViewBackground" Placement="bottom" Size="22%" />
      <Item Name="RootRoller" Base="RootRollerBump" Placement="CenterY" Size="[Large Text Height]" />

      <!-- Root text -->
      <Item Name="RootTextBackground" Base="ViewBackground" Placement="All" />
      <Item Name="" Base="RootTextBackground" Placement="Bottom" Size="24" />
      <Item Name="" Base="RootTextBackground" Placement="Left" Size="24" />
      <Item Name="" Base="RootTextBackground" Placement="Right" Size="24" />
      <Item Name="RootText" Base="RootTextBackground" Placement="Bottom" Size="24" />

Put in a line, so it looks like this:

    <Layout Name="Root" Location="" >
      <!-- Background area -->
      <Item Name="ViewBackground" Placement="All" />

 <!-- Top roller -->
      <Item Name="Titlebar" Base="NavigationRoller" Placement="Top" Size="[Large Text Height] + [list Internal Margins Height] + ([Roller Child Indent] / 2)" />

      <!-- Overscan area -->
      <Item Name="" Base="ViewBackground" Placement="Left" Size="[Overscan Left]" />
      <Item Name="" Base="ViewBackground" Placement="Top" Size="[Overscan Top]" />
      <Item Name="" Base="ViewBackground" Placement="Right" Size="[Overscan Right]" />
      <Item Name="" Base="ViewBackground" Placement="Bottom" Size="[Overscan Bottom]" />

      <!-- Content area -->

      <Item Name="RootRollerBump" Base="ViewBackground" Placement="bottom" Size="60%" />
      <Item Name="RootRoller" Base="RootRollerBump" Placement="CenterY" Size="[Large Text Height] + [list Internal Margins Height] + ([Roller Child Indent] / 2)" />

      <!-- Root text -->
      <Item Name="RootTextBackground" Base="ViewBackground" Placement="All" />
      <Item Name="" Base="RootTextBackground" Placement="Bottom" Size="10" />
      <Item Name="" Base="RootTextBackground" Placement="Left" Size="10" />
      <Item Name="" Base="RootTextBackground" Placement="Right" Size="10" />
      <Item Name="RootText" Base="RootTextBackground" Placement="Bottom" Size="10" />

Attacht three pictures to show what I mean.

Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: steelman1991 on January 21, 2013, 02:35:23 am
This is exactly what JRiver has been crying out for - great work (can't say I'm a fan of the retro look, but looking forward to how this progresses). Well done indeed.

Just watched the video - very impressive indeed and I retract what I said - in the context of the skin its wonderful. Brilliant and for a first skin its astonishing - you my firend are very talented indeed.

JRiver - get this person signed up ASAP  :D
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: JimH on January 22, 2013, 06:56:24 am
Off topic discussion was split here:

Thanks, Great_Pumpkin, for your work.
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: Sesam on January 25, 2013, 07:31:24 pm
Looking spectacular, do want! :o
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: justsomeguy on February 13, 2013, 08:08:54 pm
Any updates on your amazing looking skin? I can't wait to get my hands on it.
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: InflatableMouse on February 14, 2013, 03:12:53 am
Unfortunately the OP has not been online for a while.

I really hope we hear something soon though.
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: Sesam on February 14, 2013, 02:49:13 pm
I have been anxiously tracking this thread in hopes of any updates :)
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: Adhara on February 25, 2013, 12:52:12 pm
Is there any way to contact "Great_Pumpkin" outside the forum?
Its skin is really amazing and as a guy said, it makes me think of Bioshock games...

This is the kind of Skin I could pay for it.
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: Sesam on February 25, 2013, 03:58:08 pm
Yea I would also be willing to pay for good looking theater view skins :)

It is ages since JRiver released any new official Media Center skins, and that's kinda strange as the plain looking default theater view skins are a complaint in most reviews.
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: Adhara on February 26, 2013, 12:52:18 pm
Yea I would also be willing to pay for good looking theater view skins :)

It is ages since JRiver released any new official Media Center skins, and that's kinda strange as the plain looking default theater view skins are a complaint in most reviews.

I was before on YAMJ (PopcornHour NMJ).
Tens of skins are available for this platform.
It's strange not to see the same here.
Title: Re: Theater Skin WIP
Post by: JustinM on March 05, 2013, 10:16:54 am
Great work !!

Yea I would also be willing to pay for good looking theater view skins :)

+1 !!