More => Old Versions => Media Center 17 => Topic started by: Bengi010 on January 04, 2013, 08:34:33 pm

Title: jriver appdata roaming file is getting too it safe to clean out?
Post by: Bengi010 on January 04, 2013, 08:34:33 pm
I'm trying to free up space on my C: drive and noticed that JRiver's appdata roaming file is over 2GB.  Mostly it's the Thumbnails (1GB) and Cache (818MB) folders that seem bloated.  Is it possible to delete or move those files?  I have plenty of room on another drive, and I've directed everything available in the options to save there already.
Title: Re: jriver appdata roaming file is getting too it safe to clean out?
Post by: Matt on January 04, 2013, 09:30:20 pm
It's fine to delete the cache folder.

If you have old libraries you no longer use, it would be safe to delete the thumbnails.  You could also delete all the thumbnails, and just rebuild the thumbnails in the one library you use.  If you only have one library folder under the thumbnails folder, there isn't any way to make it smaller.
Title: Re: jriver appdata roaming file is getting too it safe to clean out?
Post by: astromo on January 04, 2013, 09:46:46 pm
In addition to Matt's input, this is my take on things -

Step 1 - The font of all spurious knowledge, i.e. Wikipedia: (

Step 2 - Some other relevant links: ( (

From (faded?) memory, I got hacked off with being stopped by Windows from using the safe eject USB function. I searched the web for an answer and I got similar info to that above. My system is now free of Thumbs.db and life is simpler and as a result, less stressed when doing simple functions.

From the sounds of Matt's comments I don't think that disabling this caching function is setting myself up for major dramas. I figure there's enough power in the PC to deal with a bit of CPU crunching to re-render image files within Explorer if required. It's useful to know that as far as MC is concerned, these Thumbs.db files are superfluous.